•|Good Friends|• Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

I didn't really know what to do so I just looked at the phone, confused.

"Oh Error you must go now the human will arrive here anytime now!" Blue said a bit panicked

"Alright see you next time!" I opened a portal and left. I am a bad guy in Nightmare's gang but it is much more boring than it usually is ever since Nightmare made that truce with Dream in order to make sure he stays with Ink, happily.


I opened a portal here and grabbed a lot of candy and sweets here, nobody would notice if it went missing since it is literally everywhere. I opened a portal to Nightmare's Castle.

Nightmare's Castle

I got out from the portal and was in the hallways close to the living room and the kitchen. I noticed Nightmare wasn't there and it was just Cross and Killer fighting for the last candy bar and Horror trying to eat Dust. Epic was just sitting on the couch eternally bored.

"Hey guys I brought food." And with that they all came running towards me and I pulled out the candy that I received from Sugartale from a portal, they looked very pleased and they looked blessed.

After that they ate until they were pleased I also had gotten food from UnderFell and Farmtale if they got tired of the sweets.

"Thank you so much, Error you just saved us from starvation" Cross said while eating, and I just snickered at how happy they looked, they were all full so I put the rest of the food in the pantry and sneakily gave some chocolate to Cross for Cross Chara, she appeared in front of me to thank me and so I smiled and they(Cross Chara) squealed, but soon went back into Cross

"So where has Nightmare been, and for how long?" I said clearly angry which made them flinch a little.

"Uhhmm..he has been with his boyfriend..and uh..he hasn't been here for at least 4 days.." Killer said, then my eyes started having 'Errors' on them, which made it clear to show my anger.

After awhile when I calmed down a bit

"Hold on I'll be right back!" I said cheerfully but it was still clear was mad, and I made a portal to the DoodleSphere


When I came here I closed the portal behind me and I was empowered by my rage, when I'm this mad it takes awhile for me to calm down.

"NIGHTMARE!!!" I said very angerily and coldly, which made Ink hear me.

Nightmare and Ink came over to see what was happening but when Nightmare saw me he knew I was angry at HIM

"Ink hide me-" He hid behind Ink, and pretended that I couldn't see him, Ink pulled out his paintbrush and was in a fighting stance but was probably confused on why I was here AND how I knew to get here

"How are you here?! And Nightmare why are you scared of Error right now???"

"Uhh- that is complicated but right now you need to help me because Error is MAD at ME I can tell from his negative energy!" I was mad and I just tied both Nightmare and Ink up and I took away Ink's paintbrush, I tied up Nightmare's tentacles and his whole back in a position that made it painful to summon his tentacles, In conclusion I was mad and keep in mind, Ink he doesn't even know what's going on he is just struggling to get out of the strings and he probably thinks that I'm going to do something bad to Nightmare, which I am..

Error x Ink x NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now