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}{}{Hwang Hyunjin}{}{

     I smiled up at my ceiling. I had met her, my neighbor. Just earlier and now here I am in my bed, late into the night just thinking about her. She was small, not tiny but small. But she didn't seem comfortable with me or my friends, which most people wouldn't since she doesn't know any of us that great. But she's talked to me and I feel like she was even more uncomfortable than most people would have been. But she wasn't rude or anything, just quiet. And quiet, isn't necessarily a bad thing. She listened well through the wall, never talking over me in annoyance or anything that most people probably would. 

     I tried to seem composed when I met her, but I was really excited. This was the person who reached out to me, a total stranger, and asked if I was okay. Then talked to me again just because. And she didn't know anything about how I looked or what I did in my spare time. There was never any judgement through the walls. And I just wanted to spend time with her face to face, wanting to talk face to face and eye to eye. Like when we were by the elevator I figured I could talk to her on the way up then part ways at our apartments. But when I looked over, she looked so uncomfortable and stiff. I could tell she didn't want to ride the elevator with me. 

     So I took the stairs. And made up some dumb excuse about exercise before going to bed. It sounded better in my head than it probably did out loud. But I had to think on the spot without sounding to out of place and that's where my mind took me. I sighed and banished the embarrassing thoughts from my mind, pulling myself into the real world. I really needed to sleep. I had dance tomorrow, and I needed to be able to give it my all. Or what was the point? It felt amazing when you gave it your all and the music flowed through your body and everything just felt so natural, the real world drifting away as your body moved to the beat. It was amazing. 

     I smiled wider, closing my eyes against the giddy feeling that bubbled up in my stomach. I was always excited for dance, no matter what we were doing that day. I always got excited about going into the studio and dancing, working out the beat of the music and the move that goes with it. It's just something out of this world, such a different experience from anything else. No, I couldn't lie away thinking about it. I would do it tomorrow but I'd have to get enough sleep for that to happen. So I really need to stop my thoughts from running where they wish and go to sleep. 

     I closed my eyes and took slow deep breaths, trying my best to clear my mind and just go to sleep. Supposedly if I keep my eyes closed long enough I'll go to sleep. I don't know if I believe that or not but it's worth a try. Usually after modeling I go right to sleep but I met someone, my neighbor. So my mind wasn't tired at all. It was racing with possibilities even though all my body wanted was to sleep and be done. I grumbled under my breath and flipped over so my face was in the pillow. I rolled back onto my side and crunched up a little so I was more curled up than before and felt the thoughts just stop. Like they were silenced. 

The Next Day

     I had been at the studio for almost 2 hours, working on this new choreography with my friends. We had gotten about half way done since we stopped to run it and make sure everything worked every once in a while. I was happy with how far we've gotten so far in the amount of time we've been here. We were almost ready to go home since there were other people who could use the studio space and there wasn't any rush to finish the choreography. It was just something for fun so there was no need for deadlines or anything. 

     I brushed the front of my hair back, only to have it flop back in front of my face once again. I sighed and just brushed it to the side, deciding to just leave it. It was really hot in the studio, no matter how low you turned the thermostat. 

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