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}{}{Hwang Hyunjin}{}{

     I smiled up at my ceiling, I had talked to my neighbor for hours. Just sitting here, talking through the wall. She answered with knocks, which was a little strange but she didn't seem hurt. I do wonder what changed between today and yesterday though, she seemed hesitant last night but she still talked. It couldn't have been something I did, I don't think anyways. Playing through our conversations I can't think of anything that I said or did that would throw her off. Although, I guess I don't know that much about her. 

     I know very little about her actually, thinking on it now. I can infer things about her, like the fact that she's shy since her voice never rose very loud and that she always seemed to hesitate when speaking. That means that she's either shy or anxious, or maybe both. And I know she's a girl or...I'm pretty sure she's a girl. I guess I should probably ask just to clarify. I rubbed the back of my neck, her hesitance was kind of endearing. Like, she was trying not to upset me when we talked. I noticed she hesitated slightly before knocking too. It was rarer and rarer as we spoke and there were a couple knocks that didn't seem hesitant. 

     I wonder what she thinks about when we talk, I usually try and figure out if I've ever seen her. I don't think I have though, which is strange since she's my neighbor. But I guess if our schedules interfere then it would make sense that we wouldn't see each other. Not to mention that there's so many people who live in the building that I could have seen her and not even have realized it. I sighed at the thought, the only way for me to know if it was really neighbor would to be seeing her leave her apartment. And even then, what if it was just a friend she had over. 

     I ran my hand through my hair, tugging slightly at the roots. I ruffled the hair around my face and pushed it away from hanging in my eyes. I'm sure we'd meet eventually, right now it was kind of fun talking through the wall. None of my other friends knew anything, not for any specific reason other than the fact that they'd want to know how I met her and I'd rather not delve into it with all of them. But, if they were to find out I would tell them she's a possible--no, probable friend. I smiled at the thought, we got along well and we'd only talked with each other twice. I'm not sure how well she'd get along with my other friends but, even if they don't it's okay to have friends separate from one another. It would be nice and easy if they do get along though, ha. 

     I glanced over at my phone and pressed the home button before turning away to shield my eyes from the bright light. God, my screen is so bright in my dark room. I quickly tried to turn my brightness setting down without keeping my gaze on my phone. When it was finally done and I had a minor headache, from the light or from trying to turn down the brightness without looking I'm unsure of, I checked the time like I wanted to. 11:47. Wow, I should really go to sleep. We had stopped talking earlier because she was tired, like last night. I wonder what she did in the days to make her so tired? 

     I turned my phone off and flipped it over so the screen was facing the small wooden bedside table before flipping over onto my left side. I closed my eyes and pushed my head harder into my pillow, feeling it sink down into it more afterwards. Just like I'd wanted. I sighed, feeling my lips tug up into a smile. I was cocooned in my blankets and my head was deep into my pillow. It was the epitome of comfortable. I opened my eyes once and let them shut slowly, lulling myself into sleep with the thoughts of comfort. 

The Next Morning

     My alarm shrieked, pulling me from my half sleep. I had actually woken up earlier this morning due to one of my friends rolling over onto their phone and sleep dialing me. And of course, I keep my phone off silent in case any of the idiots I call my friends need help, and it rang and woke me up. But I figured out what happened relatively quickly. The only problem was that I couldn't fall all the way back asleep so I've been drifting in and out of sleep since about 3 in the morning. So, I also got a small amount of sleep along with being waken up early. Unnecessarily I might add, if that wasn't clear.  

     I sighed and sat up, cupping my hands over my face as I took a deep breath. I was tired and I had a gig today. This is just great. No, I shouldn't start my day with that kind of outlook on things. I ruffled my already messy hair and slid over so my feet touched the ground. A shock ran through me at the cold wooden floor and I pushed into a standing position, moving quickly over to my dresser. I had a closet but I preferred the drawers. I grabbed some random clothes since I would just have to change into the clothes they wanted me to wear on set. 

     I tossed on some black pants and a loose white sweater, I figured I should dress kind of warm since it was autumn. I pulled on some black socks that went up and under my pants and then some plain all black sneakers. I hurried into the bathroom and fixed up my hair, refraining from to much product in it in case they wanted to me to change it up for the outfits. I plucked my cross necklace off my bedside table and hung it around my neck before turning and heading out the door. My footsteps gave muted thumps in the empty hallway, no one else was out right now. The hallway was carpeted and kind of reminded me of a hotel, it was apartments though. 

     I guess if you really think about it and apartment is just a long term hotel room. I laughed at the thought, not really sure why it was amusing but just knowing it was. I walked past the elevator and took the stairs, hopping down each step with a jaunty pace. This was an easy way to get in a little bit of exercise and it should hopefully wake me up a little bit more before my shoot. I did casual shoots sometimes, it was really how I made my income. They paid well even though no one would recognize the names of the companies that took the pictures. And I didn't hate modeling, so it all worked out. 

     My footsteps echoed in the empty stone stair well. It almost made me cringe how loud it was in the previously undisturbed silence. But it's whatever, it's not like it was disturbing anyone. I hurried down the stairs and entered the lobby. I waved to anyone I passed, giving them a smile. You never know when a smile could make someone's day just a little better. When I got outside I hurried over to a bus stop and stood waiting, bouncing on the balls of my feet. I had dance later today as well, so I had a shoot then some down time and lastly some dancing. I love dancing, it's just so freeing. Especially when we improv and you can just let yourself feel the music and allow your body to move. 

     I smiled just at the thought of it, and it was always nice to end a day with dance class. It helped me relax even though it also forced me to work hard. The bus screeched to a halt and I hurriedly pulled out some money I had stuck in my pocket before climbing up the steps and handing it to the driver. I took a seat in the front of the bus, smiling at the woman and child sitting next to me. They smiled back and I turned back around, pulling my phone from my other pocket. I put in my password and opened messages;

Me: Heyy on way to the shoot~~

Seungminnie: Ok, I'm already here so we're waiting on you.

Me: Thanks for the reassurance 

Seungminnie: Just get here

     I sighed and turned my phone off, listening as it clicked signifying that it locked itself up as well. I slid it into my pocket, rolling my eyes. Seungmin knows I ride the bus here, what was I gonna do sit here in my seat faster? I don't think so. I sat back in my seat, tired and now a little stressed. Seungmin didn't mean to stress me out, I know he didn't. That's not the kind of person he is. But he made me wonder how long they'd been waiting. I don't think I was behind? I didn't check when my phone was out and I'll just looked obsessed with my phone if I pull it out now. I grumbled under my breath and resisted the urge to pull my phone out, I usually don't care what people think about me but I'd rather not look like every other phone obsessed being. Because I wasn't, sure I was glad to have my phone but I wasn't on it all the time. 

     The bus slowed to a stop and everyone around me swarmed towards the door. I shoved up into a standing position and slid into the mass, moving quickly towards the doors. When we left the bus I turned away from the crowd and lifted my phone to double check the address before speed walking towards the shooting area. 

     A park. 

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