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++Jung Dae++

     I walked casually down the sidewalk, my hands tucked into my pockets. It was autumn, the air was crisp and the leaves were settled under the trees in small piles. The park to my right was filled with the shrieks of laughter from kids of young ages, their forms zipped up in poofy jackets. I smiled at their easy smiles, I missed being so young and so care free. It was nice to look back and remember what it was like, I'm sure it would be even better if I could go back and re-live it. Sadly, this is the real world and that kind of thing doesn't happen here. 

"Dae!" an excited voice exclaimed, pulling my attention to where another girl stood by the edge of the park. 

I gave a hesitant smile before walking over to where she stood by a bench. 

"Hi Choon-Hee, it's nice to see you," I replied, fiddling with my fingers within my floppy sleeves. 

     She smiled broadly, her pearly white teeth on show. I tweaked my head to the side and widened my small one ever so slightly. I really did like Choon-Hee but I was so awkward around people older than me. They had always frightened me a little, ever since I was small. 

"What brings you to the park?" she questioned, turning her head quickly towards the play ground before bringing her attention back to me. 

"I was just passing by, what about you?" I answered, noticing how much quieter my voice was than hers. Choon-Hee was so much more confident than me. 

"My younger brother wanted to come and play," she replied flippantly, rubbing her hands together and tugging on her long sleeves. 

     I couldn't help but notice how long and fine her fingers were while mine were...kind of the exact opposite. I sighed, tucking the thought away. Why did it matter what my hands looked like? Nobody looks at your hands...right? 

"Choon-Hee noona!" a loud voice shouted before a small boy ran to her side, grabbing onto the side of her shirt. 

"What Chin-Hae?" she questioned, giving me a smile a finger to hold on a moment before turning to look at, who I assume is, her younger brother. 

"I'm ready to go now," he answered, blinking expectantly up at his older sibling. 

"Ah, well I guess this is goodbye then Dae," she said, placing a hand easily on her little brothers shoulder. 

     I nodded my farewell and waved, exposing my hand and wrist where my sleeve slid back from the angle of my arm. I waved until she turned around before tucking my hand back into my sleeve to hide my bare hands from the cold and crossing my arms for more protection against the cool air. I turned around and took a step forwards only to run into someone's upper chest,  the top of my head smacking into their chin. 

"I'm so sorry," I apologized, bending at my waist as I stepped back. My deep brown hair swept forwards, creating a curtain around my face. 

     I heard a small grumble before a hand landed on my shoulder, gently leading me into a standing upright position. I awkwardly looked up so I could meet the strangers eyes, it was a boy probably a little older than me. His grey/brown hair hung over his forehead in bangs and he featured a mostly dark color pallet in his clothes and a taller blonde haired boy beside him with messier hair and a softer face. 

"It's fine," he said gruffly, watching me fiddle with my sleeves before tucking my fingers back into them and playing with the inside of the sleeve instead of the worn edges while his friend gave me a quick smile. 

     I nodded my head slowly before bowing quickly, not as low as before, and turning quickly to leave. My feet carried me away from the park quickly, my comfortable fluffy boots tight against my feet to prevent them from rubbing against my sock covered feet and creating blisters. My cheeks were still warm from the encounter, simply for the fact that I was embarrassed I had bumped into him. I mean, how hard is it to watch where I'm going? 

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