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Ok, so I left this story alone for a little to long--and now I can't really get back into writing it. And it is actually "discontinued" in a way. I'm not gonna write out them falling in love but for anyone reading it who may want an ending, that's what this is. 


     The two figures sitting side by side on the bench laughed loudly, the girl leaning into my boy as she giggled. The breeze ruffled through the leaves, tossing their hair around in their moment of joy. Hwang Hyunjin smiled down at Jung Dae, eyes gleaming. The last year had been amazing for the two, they had some bumps and when they first realized they liked one another it was a weird and awkward time for the both of them. But they overcame it and couldn't be happier with their ongoing relationship. 

     Dae knew that Hyunjin wouldn't push her to do anything out of her comfort zone even though he was a much more sociable person than her and Hyunjin knew that he could always rely on Dae to just be there and comfort him when times were hard. The two complimented each other wonderfully and hope that they stay together for a long time, with how it's going at the moment it probably will. 

     Hyunjin stood up, pulling Dae along with him as he began racing down the leaf covered path. Dae followed after, steps clumsy before she evened out and let out a joyous laugh as she was tugged along after her boyfriend. They left the tree covered area and entered an open field area. Hyunjin let out a short loud laugh and collapsed dramatically onto the ground, pulling Dae down with him. Dae crumbled to the ground with a shriek as she landed to the side of Hyunjin. 

     She turned and gave him a playful glare, narrowing her eyes jokingly with a huff. He laughed and slid an arm under her shoulders, turning his face up to the sky. Dae adjusted herself on his arm to make it more comfortable before turning her attention to the sky as well. Hyunjin pointed to a cloud, coming up with an animal it supposedly resembled. Dae just chuckled and nodded along, though she voiced her opinions on them when the comparisons were truly outrageous. 

     The couple laid there for hours, laughing at each other and holding hands or other forms of casual contact, the sky slowly turned dark even as they continued to laugh and joke. And that was how they spent their afternoon, happy and content with the person they loved. 

T h e    E n d 

AHHH, hopefully that was satisfactory? I know it's not very long but I just wanted to keep it short and sweet for anyone reading to enjoy. 


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