"oh my fucking god, I forgot the S, now it just says 'black live matter' " I say as I hold up my sign. 

"fucking dumbass" my friend, that was on the phone, says.  

I was making a sign for the protest that's going to happen later on, in my city. I was excited and scared at the same time. But fuck that, I'm going for a fucking change. And them pigs stay pissing me off. I grab another piece of cardboard and started writing, again. 

"When do you want me to pick you up?" my friend asks. 

"umm..." I look at the clock. 

"like about 15 minutes" I respond. 

"Okay, Imma gonna start getting on my way. Alright? k, see you soon." My friend hangs up. 

My friend lives closer to where the protest is happening. I write a message and draw a fist and grab my bag of stuff and headed out the door. 

I get into my car, open the sunroof, and crawled out. I started kneeling on the roof of my car and held up my sign and prepared for my beautiful paparazzi to take my pics :)

I'm just kidding, I'm not Maddison Beer. I just sat on my curb and waited for my friend. A couple of minutes went by and my friend picked me up. 

couple times at the protest...

My friend had to ditch because she knew something was edging to happen. But I stayed. I was able to get to the 2nd row that was behind the first. I was still yelling and losing my voice from chanting. I really, really wanted to bully those pigs, I mean like come on, one was shaped weirdly. I was trying my best to push my way to the front row. it was unsuccessful. 

everyone was shoving and pushing, but like still in a calm way, it wasn't the shoving and pushing where it gets on your nerves. I was really tryin my best you should've seen. But in the middle of that, some person shoved me and I kinda tripped over and fell to my knees. I didn't get a look of that guy, because he was gone and it looked like everyone didn't fucking do it. 

"get up girl, it's all good, I got you." a girl picked me up slowly. I got up back on my feet and brush off pebbles from my knees and my hands. 

"thanks" I smile at her. 

"are you okay? Do you need some water? snacks? I have almost anything you need." she swings her backpack to the front of her chest and started to move the zippers. 

"oh no, I fine, someone pushed me over" I shooked my head and waved my hands indicating "no". 

"Okay, come back to me if you need help." she zipped back up her backpack and left. 

I kinda needed that. 

I faced the police and started yelling. I saw this guy's head. nope, not that one, he looked like he was sitting on a chair while yelling at the police. My god, he was tall. 

He had this riot gear on and.. he was FUCKING TALL. I can get a load from him. But most importantly he was bullying and yelling at the police. It's hard seeing someone living your dream. 

"Do you know the fuck why?!" The guy walks shaking his head. He starts pointing at them, bullying them, pointing them out. 

"SG whatever the fuck!" He says one of the police officers in the back as a girl lightly pushes him away.   

Couple hours pass

The curfew time passes and that's when the police start shooting the tear gas and rubber bullets. I start backing up and running away. I saw the girl again. The girl who helped me when I fell. she was backed up against an alleyway wall searching through her bag looking for something. 

her eyes were closed my she looked like she was in pain. She's been tear-gassed! Everyone kept running away and hiding, it looked like no one tried to stop and help her. I looked left and right, like I was crossing the street, and ran to her. 

"oh my god, here lemme help you," I say. 

"there's milk in my bag" she pointed to her opened bag as she shut her eyes tighter. 

I picked up the milk and opened it. 

"can you open your eyes?" 

"I can't! just pour it in my eyes until I can" she kinda yelled. 

I poured milk on her eyes for a little bit and tried to pry her eyes open. I heard a shaking of a metal ball near me. I turned my head. 

 It was a police officer. 

I looked at his badge. I memorized the number. I think that set him off. He clenched his teeth and pointed the pepper spray at me and the girl. 

"DONT FUCKING SPray me.." 

everything went black.  

outcry. ( spec op guy x reader )Where stories live. Discover now