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I opened my eyes. Jesus Christ, I fainted.

"Ugh, what the fuck are you doing?! she's trying to help me! My fucking eyes are burning, don't fucking stand just there, help me or just get the fuck out of here!" I saw the girl rubbing her eyes as she got sprayed again.

"Maybe if you just get the fuck out of here maybe you wouldn't be crying like a little pussy!" the police officer got angrier. 

the girl tried opening her eyes and looked at the police officer's badge. 

"1379, I'll fucking remember that you disgusting pig!" the girl yelled again. 

"sanders! Move!" Another person yelled. The police officer moved to the side and I heard something shooting towards us. A fucking rubber bullet. I heard the impact. 

"AHHHFUCKH!" the girl fell to the ground holding her thigh. She started crying. It looked like the police officers moved away from us. 

I was too weak, from fainting and the pepper spray, to help her. She kept whimpering and screaming. And again, I couldn't help. 

I heard footsteps coming towards us. 


"pick the wavy-haired one, and I'll pick up this one" I heard a man say. 

he picked me up and I heard liquid pour. 

"we're going to get you to the hospital, okay?" another guy says. 

I was too weak to make any sudden movements. I slightly opened my eyes and saw gear. I instantly thought it was the police that was carrying us. 

"Who the fuck are you?! Get off of me!" I started kicking and trying to pull myself off. 

"Yo calm down!" They both say. 

I looked at the person beside me and it was him. but with dreads. but it was him. same gear and everything. 

"wait put me down, I got pepper-sprayed" I closed my eyes tighter. the guy put me down and I tried rubbing my eyes. 

"Don't touch your face!" the guy grabbed my hands and pulled it to my side. 

the other guy poured milk into my face. 

"Are you good?" the guy tilted his head and bent over to get on my level. I nodded and he threw me on his back again. 

"We have to go, they're not falling back," the other guy said. They started running, which made me flop up and down like I'm a sex doll or something. 

"Now, now, now! here come here" A car's tires screeched and then next thing I knew I was thrown into a car. 

The two guys came into the back seat and took off their masks. And holy shit. The guy the picked me up had flowy dark hair, fucking took my breath away. And the one with the long light brown dreads, ugh my fucking god. 

They closed the car door and drove off.

"Thanks, Athena" the one with the dreads padded the driver's seat. Athena looked into the front mirror and nodded. 

"what's her name" the one with the black hair asks. 

"I don't know. ask her" I responded. 

"She can't talk-"

"Niya," She says grunting. 

The two guys looked at each other, and then at me. 

"How about you?" the one with the dreads ask. 

"What about me?" 

Oh shit, they're asking for my name. 

"uhh, your name?" 


"Finally" the guy with the black hair rolled his eyes. 

"how about you?" I looked at the guy with the black hair. 

"Finn," he responded. I looked at the one with the dreads. 

"Harry" he smiles. 

"K guys, we're here" Athena pulls the car into park, in front of the emergency section. 

Harry swings the door open and slowly carries Niya out. A nurse from the hospital runs over to help them in. 

"At least one other person is able to come if you're thinking of going in," The nurse says looking back. 

Athena swings the door open and gets out. 

"you guys stay here, I'm going to help these guys, park the car somewhere!" Athena says, skipping off to them. 

Finn crawls into the front seat and turned the car on. Finn spent a good time looking for a parking spot, and when he found one he decided to park the car in reverse. 

He did the hot thing where he puts his hand on the back of the passenger seat while he reversed the car. Jesus Christ.

My god, the silence was painful to be in. until he said something 

"Sorry for pushing you to the ground," he says without looking at me. 

Oh my god, that was him?!

"Yeah, kinda hurt, but it's okay" I smile at him. he looks in the front mirror and smiles back. 

"I saw you fall on the ground before the police officer sprayed you guys" he looked at me from the front mirror. 

"I fainted" 

"Woah, you're okay though, right? You don't need to go to the hospital?" 

"uhh, no, I fine. I think I just got scared." I shrug.  "why are you wearing that?" 

"Wearing what?" 

the fuck you mean what?

"All of this gear" I picked up his helmet from the floor. 

"I'm just protecting myself and my identity" he starts to take off the gloves he had on. I started noticing the minor details of him. 

He started to grow a stubble, he had a middle part which he always pushed back making it have no part, he had a tiny beauty mark on the side of his neck, he rubbed his lip back and forth before saying anything, his lips were nice acceptable plumed, he had hazel eyes that brings you in, he still looked anonymous even with the mask- 

"you know, if you take a picture, it'll last longer." he sarcastically smirks. 

"No ones lookin at you" I pretend that I'm looking for people. 

"uh-huh," he nods, rolling his eyes. 

"Hey, not to be a full-on creepy or anything, but, if you wore like a tighter bra, something like a sports bra, it wouldn't hurt as much when you run" he looks into the front mirror again. 

"I wear what I want, babes. Why judging me? you wore this whole combat fit, for what?" I rolled my eyes. To be honest my daddy issues were seeping through my pores when I first saw him in his gear and I wanted him to fuck me upside down right side up with the whole thing on. 

"Okay, I just looking out for a female, I grew up with sisters, ya know," Finn mumbles.  

Finn's notification sound pops up. 

"Hey, uhh, Athena said to go drive somewhere else, they're going to be there for a while." Finn holds his phone. "I'm just going to pick up some things from my house and I'll drop you off, yeah?" Finn looks at me. 

I nodded and Finn proceeds to drive. 

outcry. ( spec op guy x reader )Where stories live. Discover now