She and Nya run inside to a suprised waiting room at the sight of Paris's superhero. "I heard about what happened I found the sister she's a match." Ladybug said. "Take all my blood just give it to him." Nya yells at the doctors. Before they could thank her Ladybug leaves through the open glass doors and disappears into the night.

Marionette runs in a moment later looking out of breath but no one notices as the doctors take Nya to be tested just to make sure. They sit down and play the waiting game Adrien eventually has to leave despite his begging to stay. "Sorry call me the moment there's a update." Adrien said as he left. After that the twins come out being bandaged up and healthy as their entire family gives them big hugs. "Where's the nice guy who saved us?" The pink one asked. "He's coming soon dear don't worry." Alya's mother said though it sounded more like she was reassuring herself. Nya comes out moments later with a bandaid on her arm. "They're giving him the blood now it's just a waiting game to see if it takes." Nya said a little teary eyed. She sits down in between Marionette and Alya as the two girls comfort the little sister. The rest of his family comes in a moment later looking out of breath and tired.

"Is he okay?" The old man asked. "Who's the old dude?" Nora asked the girls who shrugged. "I'm Wu I'm Kai and Nya's guardian." Wu answers. "What happened?" Cole asks. "There was a fire and he ran in and saved us!" The blue twin said with a jump. "Yeah he didn't even look burned." The pink one said. "But why is he here then?" Zane asked. "A support beam fell on his head and he lost a lot of blood. They're giving it to him now." Alya said. "And who might you be?" Wu asked Alya. "I'm Alya I'm the twins older sister that's Nora, mom, dad, Nino, and Marionette." Alya said pointing to each family member. Wu nodded and sat down with the rest of the group as they impatiently waited.

After a hour that felt like eternity a doctor comes out and says they can visit him. "His temperature is still high and he has a concussion so we still need to keep him in the hospital for a few days." The doctor informs them. "What about his burns? His hoodie was completely incinerated they must be bad." Nino asks. "Yes that's the odd thing even though he faced the most burns that should've killed a normal person he remains unharmed when it comes to the burns. It's a miracle." The doctor said clearly not believing it himself. "Yeah yeah it's a miracle let's go see him." Jay said and the doctor leads them into the room Kai was in. They opened the door to see that Kai had a bandage wrapped around his head and was arguing with a nurse. "Why can't I have my phone back?" He asked her. "The screen will not help your concussion so sit back down." The nurse said sternly pointing to the bed.

Kai grumbles but his face lightens up when he sees his friends and Nya runs over and tackles him in a hug. "Don't ever do anything that stupid again." Nya scolds him. "I'm fine it all worked out. Besides I've been worse." Kai said with a smile. Alya goes in next sobbing into his arms and Kai gives her a comforting hug but otherwise looks confused on why she's there. "Thank you for saving my sisters. Your a hero." Alya said. "They're your sisters?" Kai said suprised. "Yeah and we wrote you this thank you card for saving us." The pink twin said handing a card that had a burning building on it as Alya let's him go. "Yeah we got you a lollipop." The blue one said handing Kai a red lollipop. "It was nothing." Kai said to the two as they give him a hug so tight it knocks the wind out of him. "You need to be more careful." Cole said. "Well I'm fine now and I can go home." Kai said with a smile. "We can pay for the medical bills it the least we can do." Alya's father said. "That won't be necessary but thank you." Wu said.

"I'm sorry to say this but we need to leave the girls seem quite tired from all the excitement." Alya's mother said. "But we're fine." The two girls complained.

Once Alya's family had left including Nino, Marionette, and her own mother Kai was in for a scolding. "I know you had good intentions but that was very reckless of you. The doctors are very startled by your normal temperature and the lack of burning that should've killed you." Wu chides. "If it wasn't for Ladybug finding Nya you would've died from blood loss." Adds Zane. "Come on I would've been fine" Kai said with a shrug. "You used your powers didn't you?" Wu asked. "If Jay can use them to give power for at least a block I can use them to save some kids." Kai said and Wu sends Jay a glare unaware of that detail. "They filmed it they could've seen you. They're keeping you in the hospital for another week and you were almost given the wrong blood." Cole chides. "It's not my fault they don't have the right type of blood in this place. And I don't need to be here for another week. I've fought with a broken wrist so I'm good." Kai said stubbornly. "You are not seeing the bigger picture here. A news crew filmed you coming out with those two girls. You have to promise me you won't do something that stupid again." Nya said. "Whatever you say. Now can I have some of that healing tea?" Kai asked.

Wu had thought ahead and did in-fact bring his healing tea. He gave it to Kai who gulped it down in seconds, he was honestly anxious to get out of there before. "What do mean I can't see him? Do you know who I am?" They heard Chloe's shrill voice say. "I'll deal with her." Nya said leaving the room while the others stopped Kai from jumping out the window to escape. "I'm going to talk to the nurse about discharge." Wu sighed also walking out.

Nya comes up to Chloe who was arguing with a receptionist while a older man in a business suit and sash stood behind her. When Chloe spots Nya walking up she goes right over to her. "Where's your brother? Daddy wants to thank him for saving those two little girls would've looked bad for business if they didn't make it." Chloe said. "He's recovering and you blabbing away won't help anyone so please go be a pain in the side somewhere else." Nya said pointing to the exit. "How dare to speak to my princess that way you peasant. I demand to see him I'm sure he's probably a little disfigured from the burns he must've gotten." The mayor said quite matter of fact. "Actually all he has is a concussion and a bit of blood loss no biggie. He's the same scar and all no a bit burned including his stupid hair." Nya said with her arms crossed and a eye roll. "Then I better go and see him if it's only a concussion." Chloe argues.

She really just wanted a excuse to see the one who saved her home. Also when he came out of the building carrying those two girls her heart almost beated out of her chest from the butterflies she was getting. She had always wanted Adrien because he actually saw past her spoil brat faults and saw the real her. But it was ninety percent the fame it came with dating the most exclusive model of all time. He was also one of the few people who could relate with her on loosing their mother she wondered if Kai had had anything similar happen to him. But with Kai he was actually brave, protective, friendly, and actually has the guts to stand up to her despite the bribes and threats that usually had even grownups kissing her designer shoes. It also was nice that he was handsome especially with the scar. The little imperfection made him better in a way that Adrien never was. And this over protective little sister was getting in her way she would happily have her suspended if she wasn't the little sister.

"He needs sleep plus since I'm a family member only I can actually give you permission to see him otherwise. So see ya and I won't tell him you said hi." Nya said with a smug grin as she walked off leaving Chloe fuming. "Daddy." She whined. "I'm sorry sweetie but she's right I can't do anything against health codes." The mayor said. A old man with a long beard came up behind them and startled them both. "I'm sorry about her she's very protective of her brother though she's a lot more subtle than him." The man said. "And who are you?" Chloe asks with a suspicious look. "I am Wu." He said. "Can I go see him than? You seem like someone with common sense." Chloe said. "That is a decision for Nya to make not me have a nice evening." Wu said as he walks away leaving Chloe red faced she was not use to not getting her way. "Let's go princess you can see him once he's discharged." The mayor said as he steered his daughter to the exit.

She ran into her room that was filled with designer clothing and plush coaches. She flops on her bed utterly outraged at being thwarted by this annoying raven haired teen. She was worse than Marionette that time she had been paired to do the last project together. She turns her head and looks at the alarm on her bedside table. 10:30 pm it read and she groans. "Wish I could just have the power to get rid of the obstacles." Chloe thinks to herself as she fingers her designer sunglasses and closes her eyes. She then opens them back up wide eyed as she feels a familiar sensation wash over her.

"I can give you that power." A man's voice said and Chloe smiles evilly.

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