"That was risky sis." Kai said as he and Nya walked down the empty hallway. "Oh come on you know what she was doing. Your not that hotheaded." Nya said and Kai grumbles. "It's not my fault she couldn't resist my natural good looks." Kai said with a cocky grin and Nya rolls her eyes at her big brother that was somehow related to her. "Also I was handling it fine. Besides I don't want to get a bad grade as much as I say otherwise so I may as well help her." Kai said. "But she's not nice! She's just using it as a excuse to sink her claws into you." Nya said. "I've gone up against a snake the size of a skyscraper I can handle her." Kai said confidently.

"But we have training." Nya tried she really didn't want this brat getting anywhere near her brother if she had any say in it. "Not tomorrow. I'll talk to her and we can work on the project then. Without the sink exploding." Kai said with a teasing tone. "But she's a spoil brat." Nya grumbles. "Come on I'm sure it's fine. Besides I can take her without any fire power to help." Kai said. Nya really didn't want that the protective sibling thing went both ways though Nya was more subtle about it. "Fine but if your not back by 6:00 pm sharp I will drown her and you." Nya said threateningly. "Okay mom." Kai said with a eye roll as they got to class.

Next day after school

After fencing class Kai was heading out of the school when he bumped into Nino. Literally Nino was listening to music and didn't see Kai coming as the two smashed into each other. "Watch where your going." Kai grumbles rubbing his head. "Sorry dude. Where are you going in such a hurry?" Nino asked as Kai helped him up. "Chloe is making me come and help her with our assignment. I would rather just go home and hang with my brothers." Kai said with a groan. "That's tough especially since Adrien was her obvious crush since they were in preschool. But hey now your the new poor sap who has to deal with her." Nino said with a chuckle. "Your lucky you got Cole he's the best you could've been paired with." Kai grumbles. "Yeah he's a cool dude but can you believe how strong he is? I could've sworn I saw him lift at least 50 pounds of books with only one hand like it was nothing." Nino said. "He's a rock climber you need to be strong for that stuff." Kai said with a shrug it wasn't a lie. "Yeah that's right but what did you mean hang with your brothers? I thought you only had the one sister?" Nino asked. "I consider Jay, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd my brothers Nya's my sister by blood but we consider the guys brothers to. We even have a saying iron sharpens iron, brother sharpens brother." Kai said using his favourite quote of sensei Wu's. "That's deep I should use it on my little brother but he might take it literally and start playing with the knives." Nino said and Kai let out a chuckle. "Anyway I better go Nya said if I'm not back by six she'll throw me in the river." Kai said walking off.

"Want a ride? I'm going to Chloe's for a photo shoot." Adrien calls coming over to the two. Kai was hesitant but since he offered and it would be quicker he agrees to it and Adrien and Nino get in the gray car that had pulled up. "Nice ride who's your parents?" Kai asked and Adrien looks suprised by this. "My father's Gabriel Agreste suprised you don't know that he's a pretty big deal in the fashion industry." Adrien said with a shrug. "And your mother?" Kai asked and Nino shakes his head while Adrien looks sullen.

"His mother disappeared a year ago." Natalie said from the front seat. Kai looked suprised but he didn't say sorry to hear that he actually looked like he could relate. "I know the feeling my parents disappeared when I was seven." Kai said placing a comforting hand on Adrien's shoulder. Nino blinks in suprise guess that explains the over protective sibling thing. "What was she like?" Kai asked. "She was the kindest person you would ever meet. She always knew how to make me laugh even in the saddess times." Adrien said with a smile at the memory. "I'm sure she'll come back." Kai said and the look in his eyes made you believe it would actually happen.

When they pull up to the hotel they get out and go through the doors. Nino is unimpressed while Adrien is used to the stuff and Kai doesn't spare a second glance. The lobby was large with a front desk that was large enough to be a hallway. The floor was white marble matching the walls that had fancy art on display with roses and a glass table in the middle. There was a news crew nearby and when they saw Adrien they quickly flocked to him like vultures.

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