CHAPTER 28 - More Like It

Start from the beginning

The past month has been a work load on him, but he was now finally done. All he could think of now was Christmas, which was just in a week. He stopped in front of a blue door by the hall, knocked three times as he waited for a reply.

"Come in," A deep voice called out.

Myles twisted the door knob, walking into the office, looking at the two men who sat in the office in opposite sides of the large table. "Good afternoon," he greeted the both of them.

"Ah! Myles," Mr. Rekam exclaimed.

Mr. Rekam, Kenneth Rekam was a family friend of the Andersons who was also a lecturer at Shelton. Myles often visited him and they were both quite close-knit.

"How are you?" Myles asked him directly, not minding the other person in the room with them.

"I'm fine, I'm guessing you're all packed to leave," he asked with a smile and a knowing look.

Myles laughed, "yea, but i won't be going back home for the holiday."

"Why is that?" Mr. Rekam asked in certified tone that reminded Myles of when he was younger and Rekam would scold him for always having too much ice-cream.

"I'll be spending the Christmas with Christian and his parents."

"I see," Mr. Rekam smiled.

"I just wanted to let you know i'd be leaving tomorrow. Wanted to say goodbye."

"That's great, have a nice holiday." He said wiggling his brow at the last statement, making Myles and the other man in the office laugh out.

"Merry Christmas. And tell Jess to pick up her phone." Myles waved as he left the office.

He contributed his walk to his car, the cold breeze making him hold unto his jacket, wishing he had worn a heavier one.

"Myles!" A voice called out immediately he stepped out of the building, Myles turned to see Alex and Josh running towards him.

Why are they even walking together? Myles asked himself.

As they got closer, he could now see rest they were holding hands, he smiled at their entangled hands. He didn't have anything against Alex but Alex wasn't also his fav person, Josh on the other hand, he had a lot to be happy for.

"What's up" Myles greeted when they finally reached him.

"Hi," Josh greeted.

Myles smiled at him, "hey Josh, nice to see you again."

"You two know each other?" Alex asked looking between them.

Myles was about to reply but Josh beat him to it, "yea, we offer a class together also."

"Oh okay," Alex nodded, now turning back to Myles, "so there's a party at Wendy's tonight, you know, since exams are over, wanted to know if you and Christian would come."

"Oh no, won't be able to, we're leaving for Christian's tomorrow."

"Okay cool!" Alex simply nodded, though a slight hint of disappointment flashing his eyes, but he made no attempt to show it.

"Merry Christmas in advance!" Josh shouted as he waved, both boys running again stopping someone else, inviting them over to Wendy's.

Myles got out the faculty building where they had stood so they wouldn't just be outside with the cold. He hugged himself as he went straight for his car, he started the engine and then began his drive home.

He pulled up in front of his apartment, grabbing his stuff from the back seat as he walked up to the door, he pushed it open, staring at Allen, Hitler and Rex who were just about leaving the house.

"Hey Myles," Hitler and Rex greeted, Myles smiled at them, returning the greeting.

"You're back," Allen deadpanned.

"It's nice to see you too," he smiled at Allen. "Where are you guys headed?" He asked after he dropped his bag on the counter, taking out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"We're heading to Hitler's and then Wendy's." Rex answered.

"Oh the party." Myles mumbled, more to himself than the boys, but they heard him anyways.

"Yea, sure you don't wanna come?" Allen asked him, now taking the bottle of water from Myles and downing it.

Not letting him finish it, Myles dragged it back, drinking the last quarter of the bottle. "No, early flight tomorrow."

"Oh that's true, a step to becoming a doubek." Rex dang, making Hitler smack him in the head.

"What?" Myles asked.

"Nothing, we're leaving now." Allen quickly brushed him off, pushing the two boys out the door with him.

Myles shook his head, taking off his jacket. He picked up his bag from the counter and went into his room. When he got in he noticed the boxes that sat at the other end of his room across the door. He titled his head in confusion walking towards the boxes, wanting to indenting them. The sound of the toilet being flushed and the tap running halted him in his tracks midway as he looked at the door which was now opening.

Christian came out of the bathroom during his hands on his pants. "You're back."

"Yea," Myles smiled. "I didn't know you'd be here."

"Wanted to spend the might here, Rex would come pick us up in the morning" he said pointing towards the boxes.

"How were your exams?" Myles asked as he dropped on the bed next to Christian after dumping his things on the couch.

"Let's not talk about the exams, I just want to sleep." He groaned with a frown.

Myles looked at him carefully, calculating his next words, "you hungry?"

"I could eat" Christian stated.

Myles dug out his phone from his back pocket, "what do you wanna order?"

"I actually want us to cook." Christian said, taking the phone away from Myles face.

Myles looked at him wide-eyed, "Huh?"

"Yup, get up" Christian bounced off the bed, dragging Myles along with him.

They walked to the kitchen, setting up things as they began cooking, and playing. They sat at the counter eating rice and shrimp soup they had made after an hour of bickering about what they both wanted to eat and finally deciding shrimp wouldn't be bad. They engaged in little chatter, as Christian filled him in more about his parents and the Christmas Eve dinner they always had every year.

Both boys called it a day after they had washed the dishes and spent an hour in Netflix. They went back into the room, changing into something lighter and burying themself under tripled blankets as they both drifted off, falling asleep.

What's up!!!!!
Hii, it's Kay, I guess you already know that, LOL.
I wanted to inform y'all that this book is almost at its end, roughly about four or five more chapters to go.
I really hope I've delivered the contents in this book so well.

Don't forget to leave a vote.
Love, KAY

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