Chapter 12

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Skeppy POV:
The car ride was silent. We had been on the road for an hour now. Bad hadn't said a word since we left Dream and Techno at the school. He was mad at Wilbur, but even he knew it wasn't his fault. Dream had yelled at us to go. The air was heavy, as if 100 pounds of guilt were on our shoulders. Tension was thicker than ever. In my timeline, Tommy was normally an enthusiastic, positive kid, but even he was silent now.

Eventually, the truck was filled with quiet snores. All the running and crying had exhausted everyone. I could still feel every ache and jab on my tired feet. My joints felt as if they would rip apart. Even so, I stayed awake. Wilbur was also up, that was because he was driving.

"What do we do?" I murmured quietly, "Techno and Dream were the strongest projects we have. Had."

Wilbur was quiet. He pushed his hair back, letting out a little sigh as he did. From the mirror, I could tell he looked defeated, beaten down. The roads rolled out like ribbons behind us. The sun was setting by now. Even the beautiful sight couldn't relief my tension.

"It wasn't our fault. They were two steps ahead of us," he responded. His voice sounded heavy.

I just sat there silently. In the original timeline, we hadn't lost this badly since the medicine heist, and that was later on in the war. My thoughts were interrupted by a tiny voice.

"A-are they dead? Techno and Dream?" It was Tommy. He was pretending to sleep. His voice was incredibly broken. He sounded as if he were in pain.

A sorrowful silence fell upon Wilbur and I. Neither of us made a sound. I knew Wilbur was expecting me to explain.

Tommy sat up. He looked at me expectantly. His grief filled eyes were brimmed with tears. I had watched him die before. Even then, I hadn't seen him so distraught.

With a sigh, I reached forward and ruffled his hair, "Dream's a god, Techno never dies. They'll be fine."

I flashed him my most convincing smile, hoping it would comfort him at least a little. He didn't seem to believe me, but he looked as if he wanted to keep high spirit. I always admired that about the guy. No matter how annoying he was, he stayed positive. It hurt me to know how much pain he was in.

In truth, I didn't know who I was really trying to convince. Tommy or myself.

"We're here," Wilbur said, raising his voice to wake up the sleeping people. As the others stirred from their sleep, I hopped out. We had driven far from the city. The fields were lush green, with a couple grazing cows scattered here and there. We were in the rural area. The air was notably fresher.

In front of us, was a barn house. I remembered this place. It was our last remaining base and where Tommy was experimented on. I noticed him visibly cower behind me.

Spifey hopped out the car, and began whistling. I remembered this as well. It was the signal that we weren't enemies. The barn door opened. A brunette man in a red and green hoodie popped his face out. I vaguely thought the word 'Tapl.'

He beckoned us in. Spifey whispered something to him as we headed inside. There was at least 20 other people in here. They all looked tired, just like us. I could tell they haven't been here too long either. Maybe a couple days at best.

As everyone else began to settle down, Mega came up to me. He gave me a thankful expression and a light bow. My heart ached at that. I didn't deserve it. Not when I left Dream and Techno behind.

"Thank Bad, he saved you, not me," I said softly. He nodded, before running off.

I decided to approach Tapl and Spifey, I had met them in my past timeline, so I knew who they were. They greeted me with a smile. I introduced myself and my entourage.

"How many of you guys are projects?" Spifey asked.

"Four, Bad, Wilbur, Mega, and myself. There were two others, but.." I trailed off. Spifey gave an apologetic look.

"Hey, you're from the future, right?" Tapl asked, changing the subject. I nodded. Wilbur must've told them.

"I am. Things are much different this time, though."

He gave me a thoughtful look, before speaking, "did we win?"

At those words, another painful memory resurfaced in my mind. With a hitched breath, I shook my head sadly. He must've noticed my grimace, as his face went solemn.

"Go! I'll hold em down!" Spifey yelled, his barrier blocked the door from breaking down. On the other end was at least 10 guards. This was at another one of the bases during an infiltration. Tapl nodded at me to leave, along with the other refugees in the building. Like a coward, I did. Spifey and Tapl were presumed dead 2 weeks later.

"We'll win this time," Spifey chirped, "I know we will. It's a rough start, but you being sent back must be a 2nd chance."

I really hoped so. At the rate things were going, it seemed like I was just cursed into suffering again.

"I met you guys in the other timeline," I said to them, they looked at me curiously. I felt emotions beginning to flow through me.

"I never-" My voice was trembling, "got to say thank you." A tear slipped down my cheek. I hadn't realized I was crying until it was running down my face.

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