4. Noodles & Noah

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The bowl of noodles that Jackson handed to me was, if not, the best thing I had ever tasted. Who knew a packet of noodles and flavored powder could taste so good. I thought it would've tasted like plastic but, it did not. And later, it became a comfort food that I learnt to crave when I needed to feel better. Around Jackson I was comfortable. Even if he didn't speak that much... he was sort of the timid type. I enjoyed his company, nevertheless.

"Are you done with that?" He asked me, getting up from the table and awaiting my response.

"Oh yes, I am," He picks up my bowl and walks over to the sink, "Thank you," I said.

"It's no problem," he starts washing the bowls, "You'll maybe want to start mentally preparing yourself,"


"The Marron Marqet may not be the prettiest place to see, can get scary at times. But, once you get used to it, its somewhere you'll always wanna hangout at," Jackson explained, his back towards me.

"Oh, I see..." I paused... Is it really that bad? It can't be. A place so close from school with that environment? It can't be...right?

"Noah will be here in a minute," Jackson added shaking his hands dry.

And it was as if he had read the future because as soon as he said that, we heard Noah panting in the hallway, as if he had come running or had been chased. He appears at the door of the kitchen, somehow knowing we were there.

"Oh hey-" Noah greeted amidst catching his breath.

"Are you ok?" I asked gently, genuinely concerned.

"I'm-fine-" He barely managed to speak," Just-had-to come- running-cuz-its-time t-" 

"Time to check the security cameras and head on out to do some research," Jackson finished for him.

"Bin-go" Poor thing still panting, walked over to the sink and got himself a glass of water.

A while later, we headed to the room right behind the kitchen in the hallway, it was a typical hackers room if you will. Dark, one small, barely lit window and plenty of screens to showcase all the things Noah was working on. 

"I know its a mess, but, I seriously haven't had the time to clean up. Juggling rich kid school things and this at the same times just takes over all the time I have," Noah explained.

"Shut up and disable the cameras already Noah, we can't waste precious daylight like this anymore. Remember what happen last time?" Jackson snapped at him

I just watched from the far corner of the room. Trying to not disturb them.

"I know! I know! Geez, calm down C- Jackson,"  Noah said sliding into his chair a little, seemingly knowing he almost said something he shouldn't have. Obviously, I caught on to this.

Jackson glared at him... if looks could kill, Noah would have been dead.

"Ahaha you guys really don't have to do this. I really don't want to get you guys in trouble, don't worry. I don't need to go out," I tried to lighten up the mood. I was already getting knots in my stomach... the anxiety was killing me. I changed my mind. I didn't want to go out anymore.

"Its not any trouble. If not, we NEED you to go out. You won't work with us if you're not convinced," Noah replied.

Crap, how do I get out of this???

"Ok, I've disabled the cameras and I'm playing footage from 2 days ago. No one should really ask who you are but, just stay lowkey," Noah said turning around his rather large leather chair, facing toward us.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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