"So what does it matter?" He asked, as he opened his car door.

"It matters to me."

Even if no one else understands me, I knew that Zach would. Maybe Jessica too, because we were the last people meeting Bryce that night. We could've saved him, but we didn't.

Zach gave me a look, and got inside his car. He stared at me from the Audi's driver seat for some seconds, then turned to the side and opened the passenger side door.

It was Déjà vu for me, because Charlie had did something similar weeks ago.

"Let's go!" Zach shouted, breaking my thoughts about our quaterback friend who I haven't seen in days. "Do something."

He nodded at me through the front glass, and started the car.

I knew that I needed a break from everything, and it has been weeks since me and Zach had hangout. So why not?

As I got in his car, I just shot a quick text to Mom saying I would be home late.

We just drived around the town for about an hour. It was kind of nice, just us two hanging out after weeks.

"Wanna do something adventurous?" He suddenly asked me, when he stopped the car outside a liquor store.

I just shrugged as he smirked at me and got out of the car.

He came back with two beer bottles in hands.

"So your idea of adventure is drinking a whole bottle of beer?" I asked, as he handed me the bottles and started the car.

"Pshh, that's a regular thing." He replied, making a face. "Come on, open a bottle for me. There's an opener in that compartment."

Using the bottle opener, I opened one bottle and Zach just grabbed it from my hand.

"It's been a long day." Zach said sighing, as he started drinking from the bottle.

"Zach! What are you doing?" I exclaimed, but he just kept driving and drinking at the same time. "This is illegal."

"So we talking about doing illegal things?" Zach asked sarcastically, as he glanced at me. "I'm pretty sure we've done much more illegal thing than this."

He was right in a way, but I was sure that I didn't wanted to die today.

"Alright, just drive slowly then." I said to him, as he actually slowed down and stopped the car. "Not that slowly though."

He gave me a look again, which he has been doing too much nowadays. Then finished the bottle in his hand.

I then realised that he finished a whole beer bottle in less than 5 minutes.

Oh shit.

"Come with me, my friend." Zach got out of the car, and I realised we were parked outside one of the tallest building in the town.

I decided to keep the remaining bottle in the car, because I really didn't wanted to him get more wasted.

We entered the building through the fire exit, and got in the lift without anyone noticing. It was a commercial building, so not much people were around as it was already dark outside.

After we got on the roof, Zach just went and started to walk on the ledge.

He started to walk on the fucking ledge of a 7 floor building, while he was drunk.

"Come on, Alex." Zach said, as he turned to look at me, still on that ledge of the roof. "Haven't you heard of YOLO?"

"I know what YOLO means." I said, as I gave him a look. "But I'm pretty sure I don't want to die while living once."

The Thoughts Between Us // CHALEXWhere stories live. Discover now