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"My love," Taehyung purrs, breath coming out ragged and heated as they brush against the skin on Jungkook's nape. He feels the sharp edge of the knife against his abdomen, and smiled widely at the excitement it brought him. It's been quite literally centuries since anyone put up a fight, or any sort of resistance, against him, and Taehyung finds himself far more entertained at the futile attempt than he'd originally assumed.

Jungkook is trembling against him, fear evident in his eyes, but the fiery will to hold onto his own resolve is slightly more dominant in the glare Jungkook kept throwing at him. Taehyung cooed at the sight, "Sweet love," he says again, "Give in." it's more of an order than a request, but his tone is smoother than silk and sweeter than honey, and Jungkook couldn't possibly have found the aura of authority it actually has.

When Jungkook swallowed down on his own saliva, throat feeling sharp and dry as a dessert, he could feel Taehyung's hands sliding up to his chest. Sharp claws dragged along his skin, making him shiver, "Monster," he spat viciously, "Get away from me."

Taehyung clicked his tongue, the smallest of frown making itself known on his forehead, "Oh, you wound me, darling," he says in a voice so sad and full of disappointment that Jungkook would've caved in if he didn't know any better.

Jungkook blinks, and for once admitted to himself that there is a longing far within his heart that he still hasn't the guts to say aloud. Somewhere, deep down, beyond the knowledge of what faces him now, Jungkook knew he wants this too – maybe not nearly half as much as Taehyung wants it, but enough for the sentiment to make his chest hurt.

The other male is ethereal, in ways that Jungkook never even thought was possible. He sees sparkling eyes, glowing a dim red and pearl-white fangs glimmering every time Taehyung stretched his mouth open wide enough for it to slip into view. Irony, Jungkook finds, is the fact that at any other given circumstances, Jungkook would've fallen in love right then and there; but reality doesn't bend to his will, and instead of anything else, Jungkook is still cornered into the darkest part of the cave, trembling and clutching at the knife his father had given him like a lifeline as Taehyung inches forward and eyed him like a meal.

"Please," Jungkook started to plead, "Don't hurt me. Please, let me go."

The creature, or Taehyung as it seems, growled at that – a literal growl; sounding only slightly gentler than a lion's snarl yet deeper than a tiger's roar. "Don't beg," he says, "By the Gods, don't you beg to me. You're starting to sound like everyone else."

Jungkook only wrenched his eyes shut and held his breath, pushing the knife daringly further into the creature's gut. Jungkook doesn't know if he had managed to hurt the other or if the knife hadn't even gone far enough to actually draw blood from the other male and was just sitting there awkwardly, being completely useless –he doesn't have the courage to take a look and the darkness of the night is taking away a significant portion of his vision so the knowledge is not within his grasp.

"Ple –don't hurt me," Jungkook says, biting back on the 'please' and forcing out his voice through his constricting throat. His voice cracked somewhere in the middle of the sentence, and if Taehyung noticed, he doesn't make it obvious.

"But," Taehyung took Jungkook's face into his arms and gave him a smile so sweet it should be sickening, "Look who's hurting who right now, love."

If Jungkook didn't have the courage to look before, he sure as hell doesn't have the courage to look now, but Taehyung's hold on his head is tight and he's forcing Jungkook to look down where his knife is plunged deep into the flesh in Taehyung's stomach. The sight is ugly and Jungkook gagged, but he could hear Taehyung laughing at him and more blood oozes out from the wound.

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