With a sharp lunge, the man slammed the baton downwards between us. He then turned to Techno, jabbing forward. He ducked, it barely missed his cheek. I stepped forward, kicking the man behind the knee. To my surprise he didn't even budge.

The guard laughed, "just give up, make this easy for both of us."

He whipped around, slashing with his baton as he did. I felt the electricity from behind my mask. Just then, Techno pounced on him, grabbing both of his arms. The guard visibly strained against his grip.

"Go!" He yelled to me. I knew I couldn't do anything.

A6d's POV:
Looping around the corner, I rushed into the cafeteria. There were only two other people in the room. One was wearing a large pair of shades, the other had a white headband. I quickly moved past them, praying they wouldn't say anything. They didn't.

The boy, who I know as Tommy, was crying. I couldn't blame him. After what he saw back there, who wouldn't cry? I wanted to cry myself. We bustled into the bathroom. There was a single, large window.

I climbed atop the sink, pulling the kid up first.

"Get out the window, go to the truck."

He nodded silently. As he moved, I heard the sound of guards pouring in.

"Glasses! Did you see two people running inside here?" A deep voice said. I tensed up, beckoning Tommy to hurry.

"No sir," a British accented voice responded. I sighed in relief. Thank you. After Tommy crawled out, I followed him.

Wilbur's POV:
Fear and tension pooled in my gut. So far, only Skeppy, Bad, and another kid has made it. My nerves were going haywire with each moment that passed.

A friend of mine, and a fellow project, Spifey, was on the lookout. He made sure no one came around to the back. Skeppy was comforting Bad, who seemed to be crying. The other kid was completely silent, with a guilty look on his face. I watched in anticipation, hoping to see A6d, Dream, and Techno.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar blonde pop out of the window from the side. He ran over, tears streaming down his face. Tommy. Just then, A6d came around the corner as well.

Bad jumped up from the cargo bed and pulled the French man into a hug. Skeppy helped Tommy up onto the car. He gave him a sympathetic smile. Tommy just sniffled.

I heard Spifey call from the other side, "Is that everyone?"

"Two more!" I yelled back. He gave me a frown.

"We have to go soon, they're bound to check the back eventually."

"Just a couple more minutes, please!" Bad begged, "Techno and Dream are still in there!"

Tommy seemed to cry harder, "it's my fault," he murmured. A6d shushed him, patting him on the back.

We waited a couple more minutes. No one. Spifey sighed, "We have to go!"

I tried to reason with him again, "Techno and Dream are 8.5 and 9, we can't leave them behind!"

"We're putting everyone in danger! I have people at the camp who need us, Wilbur!"

I didn't know what to say. There was a good chance they were already captured. Skeppy looked at me, his eyes were pleading me to wait.


Just then, Spifey ran over,


"Sorry Bad," I said, he gave a wail in distress.

I turned up the speed. Spifey hopped into the passenger. A group of people began approaching.

"They have guns!" A6d yelled.

"Don't worry about it," Spifey responded. He casted a protective barrier. The bullets ricocheted right off. The guard continued to approaching the truck. They began getting closer and closer.

Just then, one of the guards screamed. Then another, then another. They stopped moving before backing off from something. Suddenly, they dropped their guns and whimpered in fear. Pure horror filled their eyes.

Dream stepped out of the door behind them. His veins glowing a pale luminescent green. He mouthed the words to us;

"Get out of here, NOW."

I complied.

Character Profile: Spifey
Status: Project
Alignment: Outlaw
Ability: Barrier
Threat Level: 7/10

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