🐤 : chapter three

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after showering and making sure that he looked at least somehow presentable, jeno finally decided to come down where he could hear his mom's voice conversing with another voice who he was certain belong to none other than lee donghyuck.

“ how's school, donghyuckie? ” mrs. lee sweetly asked her friend's son. she gently put the freshly pealed apple in front of him in which donghyuck gladly took and without a second, ate it.

“ auntie! don't call me that ” jeno cringed at donghyuck's supposed to be cute voice yet it sounded nothing more like a dying goat to his ears. both of them calls each other mom's as auntie because they always labelled themselves as “ sisters ” even if they're not biologically.

donghyuck then dramatically sighed. that kind where he literally gasped for air then breathe it out seconds after. donghyuck being his dramatic self again, nothing new “ school's stressing me out a lot auntie! ahh! seriously! don't tell mom that i almost failed two of my subjects last year and it's most likely to happen again this year. she'll probably kick me out of the house or the worse thing that could happen which is the most possible one is her disowning me. huhuhu. imagine that auntie! disowning someone like lee donghyuck?!? ”

donghyuck grabbed one of mrs. lee's hand and used it like a handkerchief to wipe his nonexistent tears.

mrs. lee could only giggled at donghyuck's mischievous attitude.
“ don't worry. i'll adopt you hyuckie if that will happen ”

jeno, who's already in the living room packing his lunch stopped at what he was doing. he glared at donghyuck who could only stuck his tongue out at him in a playful manner.

“ i'm opposed to that whole idea of adopting a lee donghyuck. we don't need a dog, mom ” jeno returned the gesture donghyuck did and that infuriated the latter even more.

“ auntie! your son, WAH! jeno's a bully! and with this face?! you dared to compare me to a dog?! ” donghyuck rolled his eyes and pointed his fingers at his face as if to show how good looking he is and i mean, that's not wrong, not at all.

“ mom, think about it. if you adopt donghyuck then you'll need to do grocery every week because of how big of an eater this pig is and you know and i know how you hate doing groceries ”

“ oh wow, for your information mr. lee jeno this person you just called a pig won face of our class last year! ”

“ i'm sure you just bought those votes you got ”

“ you voted for me you dumbfuck! admit it you love me, even auntie loves me! ”

donghyuck had this smug look on his face now and jeno used all his energy to suppressed himself not to put donghyuck head in a headlock. he's true though. jeno did wasted his vote for donghyuck. he couldn't lie when donghyuck himself caught jeno voting for him and that was when jeno accepted defeat.

mrs. lee, however, could only gigle at their endless yet cute teasing.

“ well boys, i hate to interrupt you killing each other but maybe you wanted to go now? i'm sure both of you doesn't want to be late for your first day, right? ”

“ yes! ” both of them said in unison and another glaring competition started.

“ if only dongYUCK here came earlier then maybe we'll not be late ”

“ wow, if only your son here auntie prepared himself more earlier then maybe I'M not going to be late ”

jeno rolled his eyes at donghyuck who also did the action at him. jeno bid his mom one last hug before stepping out of the house in which donghyuck attempted to copy too yet jeno prevented him from doing so.

“ my mom, not yours ”

“ excuse me, your mom but she loves me more than she loves you ” donghyuck jokingly teased and he slightly yanked jeno's hands on his shoulders to hug mrs. lee.

“ goodbye jeno and to you too hyuckie. don't kill each other, okay?  ”

“ i can't promise that! ”

and with a final hit on donghyuck's arms, both of them were at last on their way now to hell, or should i say school. ¯\(°_o)/¯


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