Chapter 39: Emergencies

Start from the beginning

      I woke up when I heard yelling in the kitchen, "Cammy, Cammy where are you?". I sat up slowly feeling a little nauseous as I moved, I tried to speak but it didn't come out the first time. 

      "In here, I fell asleep", Paul rushed to my side and gave me a hug. He rested his head on my own and my head was against his chest, I could hear is extremely fast heart beat. "Where's Sam", I lifted my head up and watched as Sam came in the back door. 

     "Where is Emily?", he looked at me and I could see the worry in his eyes when he didn't see her with me. 

      "Her sister got into a car accident, she is fine but she wants you to go meet her at the hospital. I think you should bring Quil so he can take Claire off their hands while they deal with the hospital", he nodded and caught Quil before he entered the house. They borrowed Jake's truck and made their way to the hospital. 

      Jared was the last one to enter the house with his phone in his hand, "I just called Kim and she is going to come over and stay with Cammy because we need to go back out". Paul sighed next to me, giving me a reassuring smile before laying down and putting his head in my lap. I put one of my hands on his chest while moving the other to play with his hair to try and relax him. 

      "I'll be fine Paul. I honestly would have just kept sleeping here, I probably shouldn't have eaten those pretzels though", he opened his eyes when I finished. 

      "Do you feel nauseous?", I nodded my head slowly knowing that I've been feeling this way off and on for about a month now. When we hit the three month mark in the pregnancy, it started happening more frequently and I normally just brush it off but it was worse than normal right now. 

      "I'll grab you a cup of water, maybe you haven't been drinking enough", he hopped up off the couch and returned in less than a minute with a cold glass of water. He handed it to me and watched as I sipped it, he gave me a small smile and then placed a kiss on my forehead. 

      Jake entered the living room with Embry and Seth tailing behind him, "I think we should head back out, Kim is on her way and then Quil is going to come and drop off Claire so he will check in". Paul nodded and then looked at me again with worry in his eyes. 

      I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "Go catch this damn vampire, I am tired of not seeing my best friends", he chuckled and gave me a kiss before getting up and following the rest of the pack outside. I heard the tearing, signaling that they were all in their wolf form and then I listened as their loud footsteps faded into the distance. As their footsteps disappeared, Kim entered the house, "Cammy, are you in here?". 

      I responded, "In the living room". She placed her bag down on the floor and plopped down onto the couch next to me. She just leaned her head on my shoulder with a gentle sigh, I leaned my head to rest it on hers, "They'll be okay". She nodded in agreement and just stared at the television. 

      About a half an hour later, the movie finally ended and I decided that I wanted a sandwich, "I'm going to make a sandwich do you want anything?". She nodded her head and we made our way out to the kitchen just as Quil entered with Claire holding his hand. 

      Claire ran to me, "Aunt Cammy", she said with her little 2 year old voice that I adore. I picked her up and sat her on the counter next to where I was making the sandwich.

      "Do you want anything to eat Claire", she nodded her head but didn't tell me what she wanted. "Do you want a piece of cheese", I held out a slice of cheese which she took happily and just munched on it as I finished making my sandwich. 

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