Chapter VIII :: Lecturing the miracles

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After I kicked Akashi out of my room and cooled down I changed into jeans and a top and made my way downstairs into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Little by little everyone came downstairs and sat on the table. The last one was Akashi who looked at me but I didn't care and put the rest on the table before I sat down.

"What are we going to do today?" Daiki yawned. "We're going to practice our basketball skills." I replied flatly. "You don't say." he grunted. "Why do you ask then?" "Shut up." he grumbled and began to eat.

After breakfast I walked outside and walked through the garden. I thought about yesterday what happend between me and Akashi. After a while I found the first basketball field and took a basketball.

I stood at the 3 pointer line and threw the basketball to the hoop. "I never miss, do I." I said to myself and smiled after the ball hit the ground. "No you don't." I heard a voice a few meter beside me and looked in the direction.

"What do you want, Akashi-kun?" I looked away and took the basketball. "First of all I want you to call me Seijūrō." "And the second thing is?" I looked at him. "I want to talk to you about last night." I knew it.

"The thing is that Atsushi gave me some sweets after dinner and they contained alcohol." I looked shocked at him. "S-so that means..." "But everything I said was true. My past was true and also that you're something special to me."

I looked away. "But you hate sweets, don't you?" "Yeah, but it was an exception." he replied. "You did this on purpose didn't you~" I grinned at him with a light chuckle. "You knew it was with alcohol~" "Watch your language!" he snarled.

I then passed the basketball to him which he catched. He looked at me and I grinned. He threw he ball to the hoop and scored. "Good one." I said and took the ball again. "Where are the others?" I looked at him. "They took the other field. Satsuki is watching them." "Ah." I replied.

"You remeber what I told you about my mother yesterday?" "Yes I do." "I often walked with her in summer through this garden." he said while looking around. "She loved red roses." he smiled. "You're right." I said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" he looked at me with a confused face. "Your mother and I really have much in common." I smiled and watched the flowers. "Because I love red roses too." I said sheepishly and Akashi smiled.

He walked closer to me and took my chin between his fingers. "I'm glad," he smirked "that I found someone like my mother where I can be myself." he said and kissed me passionately before I could say something.

>~ Time skip. Because of beautiful cliffhanger ~<

"I'm so exhausted-ssu!" Kise whined when we met at the entrance of the mansion. "Kise-kun you didn't do anything special." Kuroko said and wiped his sweat with his shirt. "But Kuroko-cchi~"

"Where have you two been by the way?" Daiki snarled and looked at me and Akashi. "We were at the other field." I raised an eyebrow at him. "And what did you do there, huh?~" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"That doesn't concern you." Akashi buttet in. "Seijūrō!" I gaped at him. "I didn't ask you!" Daiki growled. "Stop it!" I yelled and hit Daiki on the head. "What was that for!?" he said angrily. "You deserved it!" I retorted.

"Since when are you calling him by his first name anyway?" he grunted and held his head. "Since when are you so curious about my life?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're my little sister!" "That doesn't make sense, Idiot!"

"Anyway... how are they doing Satsuki?" I looked at her. "Ah right! In my opinion they're doing fine!" she grinned and handed me the clipboard. I watched over it and sighted. "They're doing anything but fine!" I snarled at her.

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