Chapter I :: Applause for Akashi Seijuro

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Name: Haru Aomine

Age: 14

Birthday: August 31st

Zodiac: Virgo

Bloodtype: B

Looks: black hair, blue-gray eyes,

Team: Teiko (former), Seirin

Position: Coach/Pointguard (Teiko), Manager (Seirin)

Talent: Speed, formless Shoots, Zone

Relatives: Daiki Aomine

Other: She's playing basketball since Daiki and her were children and she is the one who invented the formless shoots but no one knew about that except for the GoM members


Let the Story begin~:

I woke up because of the beeping-noise my alarmclock was making. I grunted and threw it against the wall befor I swung my legs out of my bed and got up.

I was walking to the bathroom when my mother shouted from the kitchen that breakfest would be ready in 5 minutes. I grumbled back in response and took a quick shower.

Walking back to my room I changed into my uniform, walked downstairs into the kitchen and sat down on the table with a big grin on my face.

"You're in second grade in Middleschool now and you still are happy every morning?" Daiki said lazily. "Just because you're my sibling Daiki doesn't mean that I'm so grumpy like you~" I teased him. "Shut up..." he grumbled quietly.

>~ Le time skip ~<

When Daiki and I were ready we left the house and got to school. "How is your basketball club doing?" I asked and looked at him. "It's great!" he chuckled.

"Ah... is there still no position free as a Manager or Coach" "Nah. Satsuki is the Manager and Shirogane-sensei is still the Coach." "It's so difficult to be a girl..." I sighed with a pout.

"You're a girl?!" he looked shocked at me and I puffed my cheeks and threw my schoolbag at him "NO OF COURSE NOT DUMBASS!" and with that he held his bruised head and we continued our way to school until we heard a loud shrieking voice behind us.

"Dai-chan! Haru-chan!" We both turned around and saw the devil with pink hair who ran at us while bouncing with her boobs and waving her tentacles.

(A/N: A devil with pink hair, big boobs and tentacles... Me and my ridiculous fantasies)

"Good morning both of you" she grinned at us when she stopped in front of us. Oh how I wish I could slap that fat smile out of her fricking face! "Morning..." said Daiki lazyly and I said nothing but continued to go to school. Satsuki frowned at me but followed with Daiki.

Just because we know her since childhood doesn't mean I like her because she's the most annoying, loud, boring and giggling person I have ever met in my entire life. And most of all: She is the person who's the Manager of Teiko's basketball Team and not me! She just got a bonus because of her big boobs in front of her anyway! I mean... How can she not have backache with these Watermelons? That's not even possible!

>~ Time skip all day every day ~<

As soon as we arrived at school I stubbornly walked to my class and sat down in the last row at the window. It's the best sitting place in my opinion because if you're bored you can watch out of the window or you can sleep. The teachers are after all too stupid to notice.

When I heard the girls in the class wisper excited I knew exactly who was entering the class in 3... 2... 1... "Kyaaaaa! It's him!~" I heard the girls shriek.

Yes and there he was: Red hair, red eyes, stupid facial expression, annoying behaviour and the Captain of the Basketball team!

Applause for Akashi Seijuro!


Author here~ (=゚ω゚)ノ

I think the first chapter is a little bit short... Gomenasai... *bows*

It's my first fanfiction and I wanted to take my OC for my first story sooo....

The big problem I have is my fricking english grammar ._. because I am from Germany and It's really really really hard to write a fanfiction in english ._. I mean I have english for... over 10 years now but I don't trust my grammar ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ So if I make any mistakes please tell me and I will try my best to do it better ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

Next thing I want to announce is that I'm going to do Anime one-shots.

Yay! (⌒▽⌒)

So you can make requests as soon as I uploadet a list with the Animes I have watched ^-^

That was everything I wanted to say

See you next chapter ♡

Chiao-chiao~ ☆〜(ゝ。

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