Chapter IV :: What is your answer?

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About 15 minutes later I arrived at the store and entered. I made my way directly to the ice cream fridge and took my favourite ice cram flavour out. Then I took some chocolate and chips with me. When I turned around I bumped into someone and immediately bowed.

"I'm very sorry. I didn't watch where I was going." "It's okay, Haru-chan." When I heard my name I looked up and saw Kuroko Tetsuya. "Tetsu? What are you doing here?" I straightend myself up. "It's a convenience store. I'm here to buy some groceries, duh." "Yeah... sorry..." I sweatdropped.

"Isn't Aomine-kun with you?" he asked when we got to the cashier. "Hell no! He is too lazy and he also ate my last popsicle!" "That's typical Aomine-kun." "Yeah!" We payed our things and left the store.

We walked to the park and sat down on a bench near the pond. I took two popsicles out of the package and gave one to Tetsu. "Thank you." he said and opened it. "You're welcome." I replied and opened mine too.

"So what did you do to Aomine-kun, that he ate your last popsicle?" he asked and licked his ice. "I made his dinner with Gōyā." "Bad idea, Haru-chan." "Why? It was funny~" I snickered and licked my ice too.

>~ Time skip ~<

When I got home Daiki stood by the door. "Wher were you!?" "At the convenience store?" I replied plainly. "Ha-ha. Very funny! You want to tell me that you were at the convenience store for almost 2 hours?"

"I didn't say that. I met Tetsu at the store and we went to the park together." "So you had a date with Tetsu?~" he grinned. "Are you jealous?~" I asked him back and grinned too. "No I'm not!" "Yeah, watever..." I replied lazily and went to my room.

I changed into my sweatpants and a oversized T-shirt and plopped down onto my bed. I took my cellphone which was lying on the nightstand and checked my messages. "Nothing interesting- wait... why did Akashi-kun try to call me an amound of 27 times?!"

I looked at my phone in disbelief when it began to ring. I answered and yes, it was Akashi-kun. "Hello?" "... Why didn't you answer to your missed calls?" "Yes, I had a great day, too! Thanks for asking." "Haru." "I just got home and saw it. I had other things to do."

"Other things like having a date with Tetsuya at the park?" "Are you a stalker?" I asked irritated. "No, but Shintarō saw you two." "So you employed the carrot to stalk me?" "I just wanted to tell you that the basketball team meets tomorrow after school. It could involve you."

"But I'm not even a member of the basketball team so why should I-" "You'll see tomorrow." after that the bi*ch hung up on me. "Why didn't he write a message to inform me? No, the all mighty Akashi Seijūrō had to call me 27 times." I put away my cellphone and got under the covers of my bed. "I'll see tomorrow..." I mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

>~ Time skip. Next day in school ~<

I yawned after the schoolbell rang, signaling that it's lunchtime. "Don't sleep in class Haru." I looked up and saw Akashi standing in front of me. "It doesn't concern you-" "Let's go." he interrupted me. "Where to?" "The gym." "Ah right..." I stood up and followed Akashi out of the classroom to the gym.

When we got there everyone gathered at the bleachers. Akashi stood beside the coach and I stood beside my brother. Shirogane-sensei claered his throat. "I have some important things to tell all of you. It concernes the whole basketball team."

I was curious. "The first point is that all of you are strong and I'm proud to be the coach of the Teiko basketball team. But the team could be stronger. So I get straight to the second point. Haru." "Huh?" "I want you in the team."

I was speechless and everyone looked at me with surprised faces. "B-but I'm a girl and I-" "That doesn't matter. I was speaking to the principal and he gave his approval. "W-what?" I didn't know what to say. I mean... I'm a girl... and this is the boys basketball team!

"But I didn't want to play basketball! I wanted to support the team!" "You are supporting the team when you become a basketball player." the coach said with a smile. "Who exactly had the idea that I should play in the team?" "It was me." Akashi butted in. "A-Akashi?" I looked shocked at him.

"I know how good you are with basketball and I know that you love it too." he began to smirk. "So what is your answer?" I looked around at the whole team and I saw that everyone smiled and nodded at me. I grinned and blushed a bit. "I'd love to!"


Hello everyone. Mina-chan here (ω)

I hope you like this a little bit too short chapter ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

See you next chapter ♡

Chiao-chiao~ ☆〜(ゝ。

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