Chapter 2

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Louis pov

It's him. The guy that I hated for weeks. I don't even know why I hate him,I just do. Is it because he drinks and parties every week? Is it because he smokes with his mates?

Why do I hate him?

Louis was in the crowd of people,dancing and kissing Eleanor. More like making out. He didn't realise that Harry was staring at them. He was standing still. No movement. Nothing. Just still like a statue. Looking at them kissing.

Harry then realised that Louis was staring at him while he pulled away from Eleanor.

What's wrong with him?

Harry's pov

After realising that Louis spotted him looking at him and Eleanor,he turned around and walk away. Not saying anything. Not talking to Louis.

Why? Why am I scared and...jealous? What has gotten into me? Why am I jealous?

Harry went into the kitchen again to find the boys,but they were gone. Probably off to somewhere to smoke a joint. He opened a can of beer. He down it all in one. He then opened another can and does the same. He downs it all like it's a shot of vodka.

Why am I jealous of someone I just met? It hasn't even been a day and I didn't even get to know him. He has a girlfriend. He's straight. Why do I care?

Harry came out to his parents at the age of 13,before his parents passed away when he was 17. He likes both genders,male and female. He's bi. He knew he was bi when he was 11 but was too scared to come out. But when he did,his mom was okay with it but his dad...didn't take it very well.

Harry took a shot of vodka before going out to the pool. Not many people were by the pool,just people making out here and there,but he didn't give a shit. He took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a drag and let it sit in between his lips.

He smokes when he's jealous,stressed or angry. He tries to not smoke much but he can't help it. It numbs the pain. Just like getting drunk off of alcohol.

Niall then walks towards Harry and sits next to him. "Can I take one drag?" Harry passes the joint to Niall without saying anything.

"What's up with you?"

Harry doesn't say anything. He just sat quietly staring off into space like he's high.

"Is it because of the talk with Louis?"

Harry didn't reply. He just looked down at the pool. His reflection reflecting from the water.

"Mate,you okay?"

"Why is life so hard? Why am I jealous of someone I met hours ago?"

"You talking about Louis?"

"Yeah. What the fuck is wrong with me Niel?"

"What happened back there when you talked to Louis?"

"I didn't. I didn't talk to him."

"Then why are you sad and jealous?"

"He has a girlfriend. I saw them kissing. I don't even know the guy but... I don't know.."

"Are you jealous of his girlfriend Eleanor?"

"Yeah..I don't know why"

"I guess you're falling for a guy you just met."

Niall passes back the joint to Harry. He takes another drag. 2 minutes later,he stepped on the cigarette to extinguish it and walked back into the house with Niall. Ignoring the fact that Louis was in the kitchen. He took a shot of vodka with Niall. One shot leads to another,and another,and another till he was fully drunk off of vodka.

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