Chapter 54

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Jennie's POV

Just as I arrived on the living room, three pairs of adoring eyes met mine. My parents and brother were waiting for me and just by seeing their reactions, I'm sure that the wait was worth it.

"I guess the money spent on you was worth it." My mother proudly announced whilst going towards me and embracing me in a tight yet warm hug.

"Sure is." I replied with a laugh.

My father and Hanbin approached me and my mother, who were still hugging each other, with sweet smiles on their faces. Mom parted from me to be exchanged by my father's bear hug.

"You look stunning, my princess." He mumbled before letting me go from his embrace. He was about to ruffle my hair but remembering that I still had an event to go to, and seeing the glare I sent him, he retracted his hand into his pocket.

"I'm already a grown lady, Dad. Stop calling me princess. It sounds as if your babying me." I whined while pouting, add in the childish stomping I did, eliciting hearty laughs from the three people in front of me.

"You will always be my princess." He retorted. A gentle expression on his masculine face. I casually rolled my eyes making him chuckle and shake his head in amusement.

My brother approached me and stood in front of me with a proud grin on his handsome face. With his white suit with silver linings patched onto it that fitted his build perfectly up to his perfectly styled hair, I can proudly announce that the blood of being extremely beautiful goes to my family blood line.

"I can say Jen, your getting prettier everyday. No wonder you have many admirers." Hanbin engulfed me in a hug of his own which was not the hug that I needed because he is choking me. Yes, his hug is another action for 'I'm-gonna-choke-you-until-you-say-stop' kinda hug. And obviously, I tapped his arm to say that I can't breathe anymore.

He lets go of me in an instant with a sheepish grin on his face. Was he really trying to kill me?

"Jerk." I mumbled but to my surprise, my brother has good ears. He wrapped his arm around my neck again with an angry face. Serves him right. But damn, I can't breathe!

"Hanbin, if your planning to kill your sister at least do it in a more pleasant way and not in front of your father and I." My mother sighed before looking at me in pity. Even she's with Hanbin. Why have I been born in this family?

Seeing my reaction, Hanbin finally let me breathe while he laughed his ass out with my mother. My father only shook his head in amusement. I gasped for multiple molecules of air to satisfy my lungs.

I'm so gonna get you Hanbin. Just you wait and see.

"Oh well, you two better go already before you guys get there late. That'll be embarrassing especially for Jennue who's extremely popular in school. I've prepared a car for both of you and is now parked outside." My Dad pointed to the parked up white Porsche outside. I can say that the preparation for all this is amazing but all the extra details of what he said just now was entirely not needed.

"Awesome ride! Thanks Dad." Hanbin excitedly clapped his hands together before catching the incoming keys that Dad threw at him. He then went outside to test the car out and was not disappointed because hell that ride can roar.

"Have a great night, dear." My mother approached me again -not to hug me obviously - to put on a necklace on me and I was surprised on what I saw.

I almost cried when I saw the necklace that I told my Mom to throw away a year ago. But she didn't.

"This is..." I uttered out while gripping on the ring hanging by the necklace's tiny sliver chain. Biting my lower lip to prevent myself from tearing up and breaking down.

"Yes, princess. Your mother and I debated about throwing it away but I knew that you still needed it somehow so yeah. We kept it and now was the right timing to give it back to you." The two of them chuckled together then softly smiled at me. I thankfully smiled at them then hugged them tight.

"We knew that you really didn't want to throw it out. Your mouth might've said words like, "Throw that shit away. I don't need to see that again in my life!", but... your eyes were begging me to not do it." My mother caressed my hair gently to not ruin my hair.

I'm really lucky to be in this family.

"So go now! You'll be late. Hanbin is itching to drive that car." My father and mother pushed me towards the door then to the car's passenger seat. Seeing Hanbin's hands on the steering wheel and his impatient feet on the pedals, he's excited af. It's written all over his face. That made me laugh mentally.

"We love you two. Have fun but not too much." My mother then closed the door of the car. Without a second to waist and not even a goodbye to our parents, Hanbin revved away without warning me making me panic and hurriedly put my seatbelt on.

His laughter surrounded the atmosphere inside the car while I glared at him. If only I can punch him right now but no, or else we'll die.

The event will happen on a hotel that the school reserved and not on school because that'll be boring. So that decided it.

I only sighed and closed my eyes, hoping that when I arrive at the event I'll still look presentable.


• The end is near... •

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