part 1.

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"Attention passengers for Korean Air flight KE659. Boarding time for the flight has been pushed back to 3 p.m. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience."

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Chanyeol glanced at his watch. The delayed boarding would only push his arrival time about 30 minutes, which wasn't entirely too bad. It could've been worse, plus with the wedding party being on such a tight schedule, he didn't want to burden Kyungsoo and Jongin with having to wait at the airport unnecessarily long. The two were getting married and despite the fact that they offered to pick him up, Chanyeol still felt like somewhat of a burden.

Sighing, he set aside the book in his hand on the seat next to him and quietly texted his friend about the delay. Looking on the bright side, it meant he could continue on with reading in peace until the attendants announced boarding.

Not a minute passed after he took his book off the seat that somebody sat down in its place. Usually, Chanyeol wouldn't mind, but considering how there were plenty of empty seats around them, a little personal space would've been nice. Nonetheless, Chanyeol politely smiled, even going as far as giving a small nod.

Much to his hatred for all things awkward, the man didn't return the same gestures. Inside, he looked down at the book in Chanyeol's hand and had the nerve to scoff. It wasn't even discrete, which made it worse. The lack of discretion really rubbed Chanyeol the wrong way, but since confronting strangers wasn't exactly up his alley, he decided that it'd probably be best to just try and ignore him. After all, maybe he was just imagining things. Traveling can sometimes do that to a tired mind.

"'Flowers in the Rain'..."

Chanyeol paused when he realized the man next to him was referring to the book in his hand. Regardless of his growing irritation, he still managed to offer up a small smile because... it was the only polite thing to do. Clearly.

"Oh, this?" Laughing, Chanyeol turned the book around and began awkwardly patting the cover. It was just too goddamn awkward. "I, uh, actually read this before-- like, a bunch of times. It's one of my favorite books."


For a second, Chanyeol could've sworn he felt his own face twitch.

But he brushed it off. Again.

"Have you heard of it? I know it sounds tacky and all, but it's actually really--"

"I've read it. It's not that great."

Biting down his tongue, Chanyeol stopped himself from impulsively (and sarcastically) responding. First of all, he lied. Flowers in the Rain isn't tacky at all. Second, it's not one of his favorite books. It is his favorite book.

Which makes the man's remarks a lot more insulting.


He really couldn't stop himself after all.

"If it's not that great, then why strike up a conversation about it?"

The man stared back at him for a moment before heaving a sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you..."

For a split second, Chanyeol felt a little guilty for (mildly) snapping on the man. To be fair, aside from the cut-throat responses, the guy wasn't trying to be intentionally rude. A bit harsh, but nothing too...bad.

And yet he spoke too soon.

"I guess we all have our guilty pleasures. Even if it's cheap romance novels for isolated housewives." Before the words could even begin to sink into Chanyeol's weary skin, the man's phone rang, drawing his attention away from their conversation. Curtly, he picked up, leaving Chanyeol gaping and wondering if he should just move to another seat just to move away from the prick. "Hello? Yes. Same terminal... That's fine. I'll see you soon."

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