She is a live

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Hiccup's POV

Elsa died in front of everyone.

She saved us from all evil then her body started glowing and then she started floating.

When everything was finished there she was standing their opening her arms.

The first one to hug her was Jack then Anna joined then Punzie.

I could tell that Mer wanted to hug her but she thought it was to girly and giggly.

I pushed her forward she glared at me but a smile was tugging at her face eventually everyone hugged Elsa.

"Thank you Jack for thawing the arrow's spell"Elsa said while hugging him they where both blushing madly.

"Come on Edgar We are going to celebrate 3 birthdays today" Elsa said.

"What do you mean?"Edgar asked.

"You'll see what I mean if you can catch up."Elsa said smiling devilishly.

She then started sprinting around the halls.

"Come on I can almost catch up"Flynn said.

She then started running only Jack was at the same pace as her.

When they both stopped Elisa was there holding a baby.

Edgar approach them and took the baby in his hands and carried it.

Elsa was there smiling then she turned around and started leaving her arms holding her.

Jack's POV

I saw Elsa smiling at them then she started leaving.

I followed her.

It was 8:00 now.

She then stopped and she was looking at the moon.

She started crying, I approached her.

"Why are you crying"I asked while rubbing her back.

"It's just that I kept everything hidden and know I have explaining to do to everyone and I fell in love with someone"She said calmly.

I was shocked and I had feelings for her but I don't know what to do.

"Elsa.."I started she looked at me with a worried expression.

"Yes Jack?"She asked nervously.

"Elsa would you marry me"I asked.

"Yes I would love to"She said happily.

I was so happy I carried her from the waist and spun her then we kissed it was magical.

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