Elsa and Merida's Prank

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Elsa's POV

We all woke up at 5:00 am.

*Knock Knock*

"It's Minnie"Anna said.

Snow opened the door.


"Elsa and Merida can you go wake up the boys"

"Of course"

Wow our plan is going better than expected.

"Lets go"

My wings pop out. Merida got ready to use her fire powers so she could fly.

We where in front of the boys sleepover room.

I turned around and started flapping my wings causing a big strong wind knocking out all the boys from their beds.They all landed with a big oof.

I smiled and wave and so did Mer because we know that Charming can see anything he wants but not hear.

They came out all angry and we just smiled and waved.

Anna and Punzie came right in their cue.

"Wow Elsie and Mer you're in so much trouble with the boys" Anna said.

They glared at me and Mer and started charging but me and Mer glanced at each other and nodded.

Then we ran away from each other and jumped out of the windows that where there.

They all gasp.

Anna's POV

Wow they are that brave.

"Wait Mer can't fly if we wet her" Kristoff said.

I had to think of something so it can't happen quickly and actually hurt one of them.

"Correct but Mer is doing patrol and she needs her fire powers" I blurted out.

"But I do that all the time to Hiccup and it takes him half and hour to dry." Kristoff says.

I glanced at Mer and Elsie and they nodded.

"Okay but make sure it doesn't touch Elsa"I said warningly.


"Wings and water can't mix"I said.


He got ready to launch at Mer but I was scared because what happens if Elsa gets hit they would both die.

He launched it at Mer and Elsa notices this and her eyes widen.

"No Mer look out"

The water sort of hit them both but Elsa was the one that fell unconscious.

"AAAAHHH"Mer screamed.

"Merida"Hiccup yelled and turned himself into a dragon he easily got Mer.

"Elsa!"Everyone screams.

I had water in my eyes because she hit the snow and it made a thud.

I started making leaf steps down the mountain so it could be faster because I can't climb.

I rushed down the leaf steps everyone behind me except Hiccup and Mer,Hiccup is trying to take the dizziness of Mer out of her.

"Found her!"Jack yells.

"Take her to Mer she is the only one that knows how to wake her"

He nodded and flew away with Elsa carrying her bridal style.

Merida's POV

They seriously thought we wouldn't prank them. I can't believe that Anna and Punzie thought we would never prank them I want to burst out laughing but it is all part of the plan.

"Curly how do we wake her up"

I see Anna,Punzie and Elsa trying not to laugh all though Elsa us suppose to be "unconscious."

Then I had an idea.

"Oh Jackass wants to wake poor Elsie up."I said.

"What all of us do"

"I know just slap her an she will wake up"

I said think of the last time a boy did that it was heard outside the building.

"I can't do that"Jack said a bit shocked and sad.

"Then she won't wake up"I said.


He slapped her and the first thing she did is slap him back.

"Oops sorry is just in my instincts to do that" Elsa said a bit shocked that it was Jack.

"Yeah it is okay"

"How,blood is in your cheek,come on lets go wipe it off"

Then Me and Elsie glanced at each other and we couldn't hold it in anymore we burst out laughing.Punzie and Anna joined and then Me and Elsa laughed harder clutching our sides because they thought that Elsa was really unconscious.

The boys looked at us all weirdly.

"It was all a prank"Me and Elsie said at the same time.

"Okay come on Jack lets go wash the blood out of your face and boys go change an then go to the training room we have to train and Anny is going to tell us why your here."Elsa said seriously.

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