War between Pitch and Elsa

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Elsa's POV

When Pitch and his agency left I remember that they where going to have war and I couldn't let that happen.

I broke the chains and went flying to the Disney Agency.

I got mad because Edgar should have been a lot more careful my eyes turned dark blue.

I saw that they where losing.

I couldn't take it any longer because it is my fault that they are all in this mess.

"Freeze"I said in my commanding voice they all literally froze.

I arranged them so it could be two groups.

Everyone looked shocked.

Pitch's agency looked at me in shock and horror,so did Pitch but then his horror turn into a smirk.

This can't be good.

"Let them go Pitch"I said angrily stepping in front of him.

"I don't think so, you owe me one"Pitch said angrily while taking a sword out and freeing himself out if the ice.

"That, that is ancient history mate"I said while putting my sword in front of me.

"Elsa what is he talking about" The good side said.

"I see you haven't told them so you and Edgar kept it a secret"Pitch said smirking.

I glanced at Edgar and he put his head down.

"Have you told them about your powers"He asked.

"No they don't need to know" I said snarling.

"Elsa tell me right now what he is talking about"Anna yelled.

"Oh you didn't tell them anything at all this would be fun"Pitch snarled.

"They don't need to know"I growled.

I took the ice away from their feet but not the bad side.

"You know their is two people in your mist that also can control fear"Pitch said.

I was furious how dare he.

All of them gasped.

" Let them go this isn't their fight"I said angrily.

"You made it their fight"Pitch said smirking.

Realization dawned to me. My eyes widen but then I became furious.

I swinged my sword and it cut some of his hair.

"How dare you"Pitch snarled.

"You needed a hair cut"I said.

"Lets start with your father he is a lovely man if I do say so myself"Pitch said.

"I am not like you I feed in happiness and fun you feed on fear and sorrow"I said my eyes widen and I immediately regretted what I said.

"What"The good side said.

I flew to the other side and stopped in front of The Evil Queen.

"Make on wrong move and you would pay" I said angrily.

"You thing you could use her against me I myself have a secret weapon" Pitch said while taking two people I know.

"Mavis,Johnny"I asked a bit shocked.

"Haha I know that you can't fight anymore you can't even kill someone"

When he said that I put my palm in front of me and turned it into a fist making Hans,Cyclopes,Mother Gothel,Captain Hook,Ursula and 100 nightmares die.

Everyone was shocked.

"Haha it is already happening"Pitch exclaimed happily.

I glanced at my hair it had a streak of black hair.

I was turning weaker.

"Lets have some fun shall we Pitch"I growled.

My eyes turned a dark shade of blue.

He swinged his sword first I dodged it.

He then disappeared I could still see him though.

"Duck Punzie"I yelled.

"Where"She asked.

I swinged a bat made out of ice and luckily Punzie dodged it but when she ducked my bat turned into a sword and it cut Pitch.

"OMG you wanted to kill me"Punzie shrieked.

"What no"

I started flapping my wings looking for Pitch I saw Jack looking at me in shock.

"Oh Elsa you really think you could escape it you would die if you fight it and if evil does escape you could also die but their is two solution for this. You turn evil and join me"He said.

"Over my dead body Pitch,I would keep on fighting every single day of my life"I said.

"But first"Pitch said from my side with a bleeding stomach he took out a bow and arrow.

Then he disappeared.

"Sorry I thought you were going to kill me"Punzie said.

I turned to her and just smiled at her.

"Look out" Jack yelled.

It was to late the arrow hit my wings making them break.

I fell and hit my head.

"Haha the girl is to weak" Pitch said.

I put my palm up and clutched it into a fist making every single person of Pitch's Agency die except Mavis and Johnny.

"Mavis your father is at home, Kristoff your family are the trolls you see know, Flynn your parents are at hiding with Dracula so is Johnny's and Jack your mom is Jenny Frost and your sister is Emma,Merida your three little brothers are Harold,Hazard and Hancock " I said rapidly my eyes turning turquoise.

"No you ruined my plans you useless child"Pitch exclaimed while putting me in chains. I could see he is really weak though.

Everyone was looking at each other but not me Pitch used this as advantage and took out his bow and arrow he aimed for Jack.

My eyes immediately turn dark blue and I broke his chains he let go of the arrow.

"No"I yelled stepping in front of Jack.

The arrow hit me right in my heart, I used my remaining power and threw it at Pitch making him die.

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe that I had my own family a sister and a mom.

We where all talking about it until I heard a someone scream no.

When I turned around it was Elsa she saved me from an arrow.

It had hit her and when it did she blasted Pitch making him die.

My eyes turned turquoise.

I catched Elsa before she could hit the ground.

"Elsa,Elsa stay please"I said holding back my tears.

*Cough Cough*

"Oh Jack I would love to but I can't you all have to be happy that would help me."

"You go girl, lets celebrate lass you are dying"Mer said sarcastically almost in the berg of crying.

"Oh Mer never lose that sarcasm, Anna always be happy and all of you please never forget I love you all"Elsa exclaimed.

I kissed her and she kissed back.

"Thank you Jack"She said holding the cheek she slapped it was fully cure know.

Slowly her hand fell and she closed her eyes. I was crying know.

Anna gasped covered her mouth and cried while Kristoff was holding her.

Everyone was crying even Mer who never cries.

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