Chapter 4

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Piers' pov

The center was pretty packed when we entered but that shouldn't be much of a surprise. People get into fights with others in Spikemuth practically all the time. I help Willow over to an unoccupied seat and let her sit down. Once she's sat down, I walk over to the reception desk. The receptionist looks up.
"Oh, Piers. How can we help you? Is it your pokemon again?" she asks. I shake my head.
"I've got someone with me who's hurt their leg pretty bad" I explain, gesturing over to Willow.
"Alright, I'll let someone know. You'll be called in when we're ready, in the meantime, ask her to fill out this form" she explains, handing me a clipboard. I look over the form as I walk back over to the seat where Willow is. I take the pen and start to fill out the information that I know about which was most of the sheet. I hand over the form to her. She looks at it with a confused look.
"You need to fill out what's empty" I explain. She takes the pen and fills it out. When done, I hand the form back in and go to sit back down with her. After a couple hours of waiting, Willow's name is called. I help her up, letting her support her weight on me and follow the doctor. I set Willow down in one of the chairs that is in the doctor's office.
"So Willow was it" she asks, smiling at Willow. She quickly nods instead of replying. The doctor bends down and starts examining Willow's injured leg. She gets up, beckoning Willow to come with her to get an X-ray. I wait in her office, staring down at my boots. When Willow returned, she had a cast on her injured leg and was supporting herself on a crutch.
"The doctor excused us, saying that all she needed to do was rest.
"So ya got anywhere to stay? I can call a Corvikcab for ya or somethin" I offer.
"N-no its fine. I-I'll just get my phone from my bag a-and call someone" she explains. I stop walking. She turns to look at me.
"A bag?" I ask. She nods slowly.
"Ya didn have a bag with ya" I explain.
"W-what?" she stutters in disbelief.
"I found ya and yer pokemon. Nothin' else" I explain.
"Oh" she mumbles.
"Is it important?" I ask. She starts fiddling with her hands.
"Well..... um..... Its not so much the bag............Its more the contents of the b-bag" she whispers, looking at her feet.
"Well..... you should get some rest, maybe it'll show up again at some point" I offer.
"I guess" she mumbles, starting to walk again.

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