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*N/A firstly thank you so much guys for 500 reads! && I got so many offers and choices for the dates, Christian was very popular! so please don't be angry if i don't choose you<3*

Chapter three-


We spotted the boys in the water and as we made our way down to the all their towels and stuff, I started to think about the skis. I’m not sure why I did it, I guess the kiss on the cheek encouraged it, but I think I’m starting to really like her.

We got to where all their stuff was; they then spotted us from the water and made their way over.

“Could you of taken any longer?” Christian joked.

“Could your hair grow any longer?” Stella joked back poking her tongue out as all the boys laughed.

“Hey! Don’t mock the hair” Christian pouted.

It was a fairly sunny day but it started to fade, the weather became cooler.

“Woah, well the weather’s definitely changed,” Brock pointed out whilst wrapping himself in his towel “Sorry guys but I don’t really want to go back in now”

“Oh that’s fine, I wasn’t that keen anyway” I replied knowing Stella couldn’t go in anyway because of the incident earlier.

“Yeah, me either” Stella added.

“But if we leave, where are we going to find dates for Ty’s date night?” Luke whined.

Oh shit, date night! I had already forgotten about it. But Chris said none of us were allowed to take Stell, so what was I meant to do? I mean I couldn’t take another girl, could I?

“We could go to the shopping centre?” Stella said interrupting me from my thoughts.

“Yeah, I like the sound of that Christian agreed.

So we all made our way to the newly built Westfield Shopping Centre across the road. We walked in a distanced pack. Brock and Stella were in front of me and Christian then Tyrone and Luke were a few metres behind us.

“So are you taking someone you know or a girl you meet for tonight?” Christian asked.

“To be honest man, I have no idea, what are you going to do?” I said.

“Well there’s this girl from my school that I was thinking about asking, we always had abit of a thing but it’s been hard since I left so we could do Xfactor.” He replied.

“Aw yeah, well it’s only 2 more days till we audition!” I said starting to think about it.

“I know, I’m really happy with how good we’re sounding, ithink we’re ready” Christian said.

“Me too” I nodded in agreement.

After a short walk we arrived at Westfield.

“Am I the only one that wants to go to the arcade upstairs near the cinema” Luke laughed lightly.

“I’ll come!” Tyrone grinned.

Luke and Ty may be some of the oldest in the band but they are definitely not the most mature.

“Anybody else?” Luke offered.

“Nah, sorry boys I really need some new clothes!” Stella laughed.

“Alright, we’ll call later to meet up? Luke said as he Ty made their way up the escalator.

“Well I’m going to look at City Beach” Stella announced.

“Yeah I’ll take a look too” Brock added.

"Alright well I'm going to get myself a BOOST JUICE, what are you doing mitchy?" Christin asked.

"I feel like a bit of Mango Magic myself" I replied.

"Alrigh then, cya later guys!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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