"Well don't you look handsome" I turned to see Kathy. I groaned out loud.

"Don't you have someone's face to be sucking right now" I deadpanned.

"The only face I want to be sucking is yours" she said suggestively. I gagged, literally that was the grossest thing I've ever heard.

"Ew gross I'd rather vomit"

"You don't mean that" she grabbed my arm.

"Actually I do" I ripped my arm away from her grasp. "Come on baby" I said, leading Aria away from her.

We hit the dance floor. The songs were fun and upbeat. Aria was dancing to them beautifully. She made the moves up as she went and never missed a beat. She was amazing.

I pulled her into my arms. "How much did you miss doing that?"

"A lot. It just felt so right. I was born a dancer and it sucks I can't fulfill my dream."

"If you can't dance, then why'd you dance tonight? Couldn't you have got hurt again?"

"I can dance occasionally but if I do it everyday like I would do being a professional my spine would eventually just crack again."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be I can still get one of my dreams"

"And what would that be?"

"To grow old with the love of my life"

"Any idea who that is?" I smirked.

"I have one" she stood on her tippy toes and kissed my lips gently. I happily returned the favor.

We walked off the dance floor and over to the snack table.

"Drink water, you have to stay hydrated after that" I handed her a water bottle.

"I know and I will. Oh look there's Sasha I'm going to go talk to her" Aria went to talk to Sasha and some other friends from her classes.

"Wow she's a step from the last girl" I turned around to see Max standing there with a smirk on his face.

"You know when I said we can sort it out later this is not what I meant" I looked at his arm. He had a sling and a splint on. "What's with the sling and splint? Your arm looked broken"

"Trainer said it was just sprained"

"No, I've seen a sprain that's a broken arm. Go to a doctor, get another opinion and an X-ray."

"I don't need advice, especially from you" he growled.

"Just trying to help my cousin" I put my hands up in surrender. We stood there in silence. I looked at Aria smiling at the sight of her laughing with her friends.

"You know Aria's one hot girl, a lot of guys would want to get with her, hell I  want to get with her." With that comment I slammed him against the wall.

"Don't you ever talk or even think about her like that. She's mine and I will protect her from stupid teenage boys, like you, who want to get in her pants. If you talk about her like that again it'll be much worse than me pushing you up against a wall, trust me" I pushed him once more against the wall and let go.

"I'm just saying keep her close you don't want to lose a girl like that" I punched him in the face and walked away.

"What was that about, man?"

"Max said something bad about Aria and I just showed him he should never say stuff like that again."

"What'd he say?" Maverick growled.

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