Chapter 34 :" Good Bye New York "

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Sanskar had to wait a week till his wife let him outside their hotel room
As it took him that long to convince his wife that the small sprain in his legs were healed long back .

The only reason she relented had been the fact she was aware it was the last week in there trip ,she wanted to create as much new memories as she can which was why she allowed him to take her out for dinner that night.

Sanskar had been able to convince Swara the next day to go for a movie followed by a visit to Times Square one of the major attractions of New York city has to offer .

And the following days she allowed him to take her out to the amusement parks , visit the  New York Public Library since he knows how much she loves reading books so on and a whole lot of such memories were created each new day. Before they knew it the day of departure arrived much to both of there dismay.

On their last day in New York both of them stood in the tiny balcony on their room and was taking in the View of the buzzling city one last time. It was time to leave in an hour and deep down both of them dont want to go.

They kept not thinking about it the whole day by just concentrating on packing and now that it over and they still got an hour left, they choose to stand in there tiny balcony with a cup of coffee and look at the place where they created so many memories one last time.

"I will miss this view , it what i have been waking up to everyday for the past 30 days "he spoke up as he glanced at the city ,while his business had offered him to leave the country few times he had never taken a moment to enjoy the place as a tourist like now .

" I will miss it too not only this view but eveything about this place and it almost feel like home, but it not like we can stay here permanently and i am exctited to go back home and meet Sujatha ma, Ragini , Pari, Adarsh bhai , rahul and my parents .This is the first time i am away from my family for such a long time without seeing them face to face." his wife answered back and there lies the truth as well , he was happy to go back to his family as well .

" We can always come back some other time " he promised her when he realized it was within their ability to do so if she stayed married to him , but that wasn't something he let himself think now because while he know he was in love,he wanted her choice to be with him freely given without any constraint.

And then  it was time to leave,  they took a Cab ride and was on the way to the airport in no time after one last look at the room they spend together for the past 30 days. 

Swara was strangely silent during the whole cab ride and Sanskar did not even try to start one as he knew she loved to watch the outside view when travelling.

And soon they were boarded on the Plane ,leaving behind New York as the plane took off. Swara was still on silent mode and that seems to worry Sanskar a little bit.

" Are you not well Swara, you seemed to be way too silent. "he asked her when the silence continued longer than he was used to between them

" I am fine Sanskar, i am just trying to check how long i can last without talking " She answered back confusing him by her sudden experiment mode .

" Why this new test all of a sudden and on the last day of our trip, cant you check it someother time. Who knows when we will get alone time like this once we get back home"he answered back surprised by her answer .

" You got it wrong, i am checking how long i can last without talking to you , So you have to be present for the test"she answered back as if that clarified his doubts about her silence when it only raised more questions.

" What and Why? , i am confused, do explain and then go back to your silent mode Swara. Did i do something wrong is that why you are not talking with me ?"he asked as he wondered if he hurt her .

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