Chapter 14 :" Mother of the Bride"

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Ragini knew this would happen when her mother visited the house, within five minutes she was talking about honeymoon and grandkids. Ragini was slightly relieved because she had talked with Laksh mom before hand still it was an awkward conversation that drained her energy by the time her mother left, the only positive aspect of the visit had been her husband who finally understood her mother's meddlesome nature when he had been subjected to it throughout dinner.

 " Where is your cousin, did she leave you with all the house work.. Ragini, she is the eldest bahu of the house and you need to assert your rights soon. The only fortunate thing you have is that Sanskar is Laksh cousin, use it to make sure Sujathaji remains on your side. She is bound too choose her own daughter in law over her nephew's wife, "her mother final advise of the day made her furious because she always manipulated Ragini feeling and made her feel inferior to her cousin. 

Then the sound of thunder brought  a smile to her face, she loved thunderstorm it always made her feel elated to hear the sound of nature in its violent form. And for the time that day she felt like laughing because her mother was not here which meant ragini can get soaked in the rain as she always wanted but never could do so until that day. It was freeing in a way she never imagined it felt like the rain was washing away her sadness . 

That was how her husband found her later that night, unlike Ragini, her husband seemed to be averse to getting wet that he stood inside their room and called out to her who was standing in their balcony. But at the moment she felt no interest in heeding to his request. 

" Ragini, you will get sick " the concern in her husband voice made her want to heed to him but she didnt care if she got sick, this was something she had been prohibited to do among others all her life and it felt like she was rebelling in her own way. 

" It just a little rain laksh , you should join me " she dared him but knew he wouldnt join her from the way he was looking at the rain . She only walked back inside when she felt the chill sweep through her at last, and after changing her clothes and getting behind the biggest blanket available she felt happy. Until her husband spoke up taking away all those blissful moment of happiness.

" Ragini, I never knew your mom was like that .." he spoke up and Ragini mind whirled back to her mother ,a  topic she thought she forgotten few seconds ago.

" It because you never listened to me Laksh, not truly. You just heard what you want to hear. We are married Laksh and all i ask from you is to talk with me before you make any decision about us " Ragini spoke up hoping for once her husband would indeed understand her .  

 " I am sorry Ragini, i promise to do better from now onwards. I will even work in your father company if that what you want " he spoke and she knew it was the guy she fell in love with the one who would do anything for her as well.

" No Laksh, you cant work for my father . I worked for him and i know it wont be easy for you . You will be under constant scrutiny and it will make your life miserable, and why would you need to work for him.. Arent you working at Karma?" Ragini asked him, as her husband smiled at her sheepishly which made her wonder if he really held a job before, Ragini worked nine hours everyday after college in her father company that she felt like she traded one prison for other.

    " I do have a job in bhai company, it just that i also have capable people working under me that i rarely visit " he answered back surprising her. She didnt like it but neither did she blame him. The reason she was drawn to him was his carefree nature and it was her fault that she never saw the drawback to it .

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