Chapter 38 : " Show Down "

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Sanskar eyes drifted back to his wife for the tenth time in the short ride back home, seeing her barging into the office was a surprise but seeing her distraught was like a dagger to his heart.

A part of him was relieved to know she had him to lean for support evident by his tear soaked coat, she still kept the entirety of the pain locked inside her heart and only shared a glimpse of it to him.

He knew something was wrong when she walked inside looking lost, and he had been quick to dismiss his assistant who had been in his office and rushed to her side and then she clung on to him and cried without telling him anything.

And even now he had no idea what went wrong, if he didn't know his aunt well, he would have assigned the blame to her but he knew she will never hurt swara and even if she did by accident she would have never let Swara leave that distraught alone.

Which meant something else happened and he couldn't pin point it to anything or anyone for that matter, when she calmed down, she told him that she will be heading home but he insisted he will come with her.

Everything else can wait and he wasn't going to let his Shona go back without him and after few phone calls to his secretary, he was driving back home with his Shona who still refused to tell him anything.

The sight of him and Swara walking inside obviously raised questions for his aunt but she didn't ask them respecting their privacy at the moment and for the next one hour he waited patiently in their room beside her to see if she would like to talk about it but she was silently reading a book.

He knew she wasn't reading the book , from the fact it was upside down and she hadn't moved a page for the past one hour, yet he didn't know how to breach the topic open.

And so when she finally spoke up, it came at the least moment he expected as he was just about to leave the room to get her some food considering she missed lunch.

"I want to move on, forgive her because she is my mother usually it takes me few minutes to forgive and sometimes few hours but now I tried to do so Sanskar but I can't forgive her for asking me not to have a child

It is stupid really, we haven't even decide if we want to stay married and it not even about a child , obviously I would want one in the future and logically I knew whatever she expects out of me this time is the easy thing to do, she wants me to wait for ragini to have a child first and it is already possible given my cousin is pregnant and I am not, so there was no need for the anger yet I am angry.

I wonder if it was the resentment of making me get married against my will that added to this anger, And after our marriage instead of being supportive she went on and on about how I should adjust and learn to be a proper wife and daughter in law ,and the baby issue was the last thread and I feel like I can't do it anymore, I feel like I can't forgive her Sanskar and that scares me, she isn't a bad mother just ..." Swara words were spoken in a rush as if she was letting out all the thoughts in one long sentence and he heard every word of the pain laced in those words which had been the reason he was holding her in his arms yet again as she broke down once again unable to finish the sentence she meant to say to him.

And he held her this time unaware of what troubles her unlike last time, but even when he know what was going on her mind, he hadn't got a solution to ease her pain, it would be easy to tell her to never forgive her mother or forgive her this one time but in the end in a relationship there is never just this one time unless the person changes for the better.

And Sanskar wasn't in a place to tell her anything either, he was the one who got married to her to suit his cousin happiness and ease his aunt worry and he had no moral ground to just blame her mother for their marriage when his family contributed to it as much.

SwaSan FF: Forced to Marry Your Soulmate (√)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin