Chapter 5 :" Cousins"

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Swara was back in his room , she still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact she was married or that this room belongs to her ,and at this moment she had far more pressing concerns in the form of her cousin Ragini ,who was also in this room trying to help her get ready .

" Sorry Swara ,I was just worried that maa would get angry at you, " Ragini spoke up at her continued silence ,Swara knew Ragini never means to come across as mean but sometime her words cut deep like today when she pretended to scold her in front of their new family.

" It fine Ragini ," Swara answered back before it results in her tears , her cousin biggest weapon was her tears and Swara wish she had been immune to it .

" Is di okay , and how is our nephew " Ragini asked next apparently satisfied that Swara forgave her and Swara wanted to ask her to leave her alone but she knew Ragini does love pari di and was excited about their nephew as well.

" He is adorable , maybe I am partial being his aunt but I never seen any baby as precious as him and di is tired but fine " Swara answered back almost forgetting everything except her sister and the tiny bundle of happiness she held in her arms .

" Lakshji said we can visit pari di after the rituals " Ragini answered back making Swara face fall at the remainder of her cousin husband who apparently was a big fat liar , Sanskar had asked his aunt to send Laksh to his office as soon as he arrived and that was all she knew about them at the moment .

Swara always had an over imaginative brain, she inherited it from reading too many books as well watching too many movies. So her over active brain has already thought of various scenarios about the face off , Somehow all the scenarios end up in an fight between them and Laksh looking worn out from all the punches .

Poor Lakshya didn't even get one chance to fight back against Sanskar in Swara imagination because apparently her imagination didn't want to have Sanskar harmed . Then she imagined Ragini reaction to a beaten laksh and somehow that didn't go well with her. She knows Ragini loves Lakshya very much and it would hurt her to see him in pain.

But more than that she was worried about her aunt reaction to it ,if she saw her son in law hurt ,in her over imaginative Brain she knew that her aunt would most likely find a way to blame Swara for the entire situation and that somehow made her realize that she shouldn't let Sanskar hurt his cousin .

Swara didn't explain anything to Ragini as she rushed out of the room to prevent Sanskar from fighting with his cousin ,she didn't knock the door to his office but opened it and stopped in surprise to see both of them laughing and somehow that made her heart deflate because she wanted Sanskar to come to her defense and she felt like he disappointed her .


Sanskar looked at Swara and it pricked his conscience to know he hurt her inadvertently . He knew how it would have looked to her the moment she stepped inside the office , her face turned grim as she looked at Laksh whose face lost his smile .

" Swara , Laksh has something to say to you " he spoke towards her as he silently hoped she would give me a chance to explain that he didn't mean to hurt her .

After his uncle death ,Sanskar knew it was his responsibility to step up and take care of his aunt and cousin ,and he thought that so far he was doing a good job until today. Because being lenient on Laksh antics had made his cousin brave enough to lie and not realize it's impact on his life .

  Sanskar thoughts were interrupted when his cousin walked inside with a smile ,which dimmed upon seeing Sanskar grim look and the first thing lucky asked him was if something was wrong ,and Sanskar knew his cousin would always step in for him and in his way he cared a lot about him as well .

SwaSan FF: Forced to Marry Your Soulmate (√)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum