Prologue :Married To An Stranger

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Swara Bose heart beat frantically as she looked around her unfamiliar surrounding, She glanced to the clock on the wall and it indicated that the hour was way past midnight ,yet sleep felt like a alien concept to her . She was used to staying awake throughout the night in the safety of her room with a book tucked in her hands but this night it was different. She couldnt sleep because she was nervous about meeting him.

Just a day ago, she was excited to get back to her life, she was 23 year old filled with dreams and hopes about her future until it all came crashing down, now she was married to a stranger , for a brief moment she paused to think about him or what she knew about him. And all she remembered was his name, Sanskar Maheshwari.

Swara felt tears threaten to fall at the realization but she was never the one to give in to the urge to cry, yet tonight she deserved a break and so let the tears fall. She coulndt understand how he had agreed to marry a stranger as well. A single yes from him changed her life. She didnt even look at him throughout the day because she didnt want him to notice the anger lurking behind her calm facade.

But now she realized it wasnt his fault , yes he did change her life in the blink of an eye but his life changed as well. Her mind constantly went back to the few hours that changed her life and the only certainty of it was that she was married to a stranger, and in few minutes or few hours later he would walk inside this very room and she was clueless on how to talk with him.

What if he hoped to see a happy bride when she is anything but Happy ? There where so many what if in her mind . She thought of pretending to sleep but didnt want to start their marriage by avoiding him, sitting in the same position for hours made her body numb so she got up from his King sized bed and started walking around the room and for the first time actually seeing her new room or their room .

Then the door opened and he entered his room, Swara courage and confidence left her the moment her eyes spotted him and the idea of pretending to sleep seemed much better.Too bad he saw her wide awake.


Sanskar Maheshwari glanced at the clock behind him which showed him it was close to 2 o'clock , Way past his bed time his mind warned him. But he didnt care , he is not going into his room, unless he is sure she is asleep. He left his aunt with the promise that he was heading back to his room and instead found himself hiding in his office room that was adjacent to his bedroom .

He was waiting in hopes that his new bride will go to sleep or maybe he wanted to analyze and reanalyze the last few hours of his life that changed everything . Till now he was always surrounded by others that he had hardly a moment to think about the fact he got married to a stranger.

He was supposed to get married today that was not a surprise in a way he was prepared for it , but his bride name should have been Kavitha and not Swara . Kavitha , his childhood friend and the daughter of his father best friend should have been his wife. So when his aunt had hinted of an alliance between them, he felt content with the idea. He knew her and felt comfortable around her , it may not be love but it had to be enough or so he assumed.

They met few times and once she had confided that she had been in love with someone for three years but insisted that part of her life was over . He asked her countless times if she was okay with marrying him, they may have known each other most of their lives but marriage was a whole other park of commitment . She said Yes and he didnt know her words were never from the heart.

When he found the letter today stating how deeply sorry she was to leave him or hurt him but she realized she cant live without that person, So they decided to elope and marry without her parents approval . Her father was furious on his daughter betrayal and Sanskar was left with the task of calming him down and accept his daughter decision.

And he thought that was the end of it . But that was not the case he got married to a stranger named Swara Bose . He had seen her once or twice before, each time with a smile on her face , but he never spoke with her and all he knew about her was just her name and the the fact she said yes to marry him .

His mind raised millions question on why would she say yes to marry a guy who was abandoned at his wedding. Pity seemed like a good choice but no one marries a stranger because they pitied him , the fact he was one of the richest bachelor in town made him wary of her motives, because he didnt understand her reason to agree to marry a complete stranger

He need to know the answer but was scared to face the truth as he cant accept the fact he was married to someone who just see his wealth and not him, But now his eyes were getting heavy due to the lack of sleep and the couch in his study room seems way too inviting.He could just sleep there but he cant have his family finding him in his study in the morning that will cause all kinds of unnecessary ruckus .

So he gently walked upto his bedroom, Opened the door without making any noise, wishing to see her deep in sleep so that he can take the couch but that was not the case. Too bad she was wide awake as he came face to face with her .


P.S - "That it for now , Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it ."


Juanita Reid

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