Chapter 14 [Bright]

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It was almost lunch time when I finished my work so I quickly stepped out of my office and went straight to Win's company. I've bought some food for us both to eat inside his office because I didn't felt like going out eating with crowds surrounding us. I wanted to be with Win, just both of us.

I walked into the building with a paper bag in my hands, walking confidently. The employees there was already familiar with both me and my father because since we visited them often and our parents was kind of signed some relation contracts between our companies.

When I heard the news about our alliance I was a little bit confused. I mean, my dad was not the type who willingly merge two companies just like that, and I guessed he did this just because of his best friend. A little bit biased was the right word. But after some explanations from my dad I finally understand, there are a lot of benefits too.

I stepped out of the elevator and saw Win's secretary there, she directly informed me that there's someone inside with Win but I was allowed to come in, because it was not work time.

So I did.

I opened the door and directly saw Win, reaching something on the top shelf behind his desk. I stayed there, watching the two men inside the room—they didn't notice me, just as Win's secretary said. I saw Win struggling to reach it and his tight suit didn't help at all. Those tight suit tightening his body curves more than it already did when he stretched his body up.

And I wasn't the only one starring.

What a disrespectful man, he starred at my boy.

I was about to barge in when I saw the stranger move. He stood up from his chair and walked slowly. As if he didn't want Win to notice that he was moving. That man walked closer and closer to Win and I saw his hand ready to cup Win's buttocks and that's when I lost it.

I stepped in as fast as I could. Right before that man's hand reached Win I pulled it and directed my punch to his nose.

I was about to land another punch when I realized, I shouldn't do this. So I dragged the perverted man out and threw him to the security's hand, "Get this man out of here." I said through my gritted teeth.

I went back to Win's office and close the door before I felt his hands around me. He hugged me tightly, "I'm so proud of you." I heard his voice shake a little bit.

I stunned a bit then started to returned the hug, then stroke his hair. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't know what happened but I'm glad that you could stop yourself. I swear I saw you stopped yourself before landing him another punch. You didn't need anyone's help, you didn't need..., Tine." He started stroking my back.

I felt my tensed body relaxed. "I guess you're right." I smiled. Then my gaze fell to the floor, where our food shattered there. I remembered throwing them off to get to the man as soon as I could. I sighed, "We can't eat the food."

Win let go of the hug, "Awhh, baby don't pout we can order more food." He pinched my cheeks.

I felt warm on my cheeks. "What did you just call me?"

Win froze. "What? I didn't say anything." He pretended.

I stared at his eyes. But our close distance just distracted my thoughts and I couldn't help glance lower, to his lips. I saw him let out a shivered breath when he saw my action.

It's now or never.

I leaned closer. Looked into his eyes once more for confirmation, but he didn't budge. So I caught his lips. A simple kiss but it was the best.



A short chapter but an important one ;)

I think we're close to the end yaay!

And HAPPY 1K READERS!!! Thank you so much you all who voted and leave some comments. I love you guys sooo much <3333333

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