Chapter 1 [Bright]

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January 2019

I stared at my best friend secretly. We were having lunch at the school's cafeteria with my two other friends Mike and Gun. His bunny smile was quite a sight to look at and never failed to brightened my mood for the day.

Tine Teepakorn, that was his name. The best friend that I've loved since forever, but I couldn't let him be mine, or he would be in danger.

He did confessed. And that day was the best yet the worst day of my life. I was overwhelmed by the feelings of love. I didn't know that we shared the same feelings all along. But I had to turn him down. I had to. I couldn't let him be my victim.

I changed my partners from time to time, but he was always there with me even though I didn't accept his love. He was the best of the best. Sometimes I wonder what did I do in my past life to deserve him.

Tine turned his head to me so I immediately avert my gaze from his face but I regretted it. I saw someone eyeing Tine from the corner of my eyes. That guy didn't stop there, he talked to his friends then laughed, as if mocking my cute best friend. I kept my attention to that guy when he stood up and walked to our table. Somehow my blood boiled just by seeing his lustful gaze towards Tine.

No one can see my Tine that way other than me.

I clenched my fist under the table, didn't let anyone realized my slowly rising anger.

That guy reached our table. "Hey guys, my name is Mork, may I sit here?" I didn't face him since he stood at Tine's left while I was at Tine's right, but I could clearly hear that he asked that question just for Tine, even though he said 'guys'.

I felt the uneasiness from Tine when he shifted on his seat and turned 45 degrees to my side. I could sense some winning feelings crept through my chest. Tine was not going to answer this guy who just introduced himself as Mork in any time soon, so Mike took an action, "ooh, yeah, you can..., I guess?" He let out a little breathy sound at the end, but everyone could hear it.

But this weird guy was either stupid enough so he couldn't sense any discomfort around us or he pretended not to hear or feel it so he just sat there beside Tine. "Can I ask for your number?"

That straight forward huh? So he did want to feel my straight punch on his nose.

I was about to stand up when I felt a hand held mine on my thigh. I looked at Tine and directly welcomed by his pleading eyes.

I relaxed my tensed body. He didn't want to make any scene here. He knew me so well. He knew that I was overly protective for him. I always claimed that I did that to all of my friends, but no. it's just him.

I just sipped my juice and focused on the slowly fading water inside the bottle. Didn't forget to close my ears mentally so I couldn't hear any of this-guy-that-named-Mork's bullshits. With Tine's hand still holding mine, I could do that effortlessly.

I finished my juice in no time then directly stood up. "Are we done here? Let's go back to class!" I said with a cheerful voice. I did look at my friends plates and glasses and they were all done. As usual, I was the last one that finish the entire meal.

And I was not being rude. I didn't hear him, whether he was still talking or not, so I technically didn't interrupt anyone.

With Tine's hand still on mine he automatically pulled by my sudden action. I heard him saying quick goodbye to Mork and I could hear the relieved sound from his words. The four of us walked side by side through the wide corridor. "What did he said to you?" I asked Tine.

"Nothing much. I didn't really paid attention to him. I didn't want to hear any flirtatious comments in this amazing day." I saw him rolling his eyes.

"Okay, let me change the question. What did you said to him?"

"I didn't think I said anything." Tine paused for a sickening seconds to me before he said, "Oh. I did talk to him. Just to reject him asking for my phone number. What a pain in the ass."

I laughed by seeing his irritated face. My best friend was so cute, indeed.


I parted with everyone after class. I walked alone at the corridor when my mind drifted off to my conversation with Tine during our previous class.

"Ai Tine, did you feel uncomfortable when he sat beside you?"

"Who?" He asked, but I knew that he knows exactly what I was talking about, so I just gave him a knowing look until he opened his mouth.

"He just sat beside me, Bright. There's nothing to be worried about. I successfully ignored him so I didn't really think much about it." I saw him rolled his eyes.

But it's not just him that knows me too well.

That dumb guy deserved a punch on his pretty face. Well, not that pretty. I shrugged but then realized I looked crazy. I checked my surroundings to know if someone had seen me acting weird.

The good news is, no one saw me. But I saw something else that was more interesting.


I was quite sure that my expressionless face turned into someone that looked like a serial killer.

I walked slowly to him and quietly dragged him to somewhere that no one could see us. My tight grip made him stay and obediently walked along with me.

Even I hope that it was not the death of him.



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