Chapter 5 [Win]

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Finally we met Win!!


September 2019

I could hear the bass thumped through my ears, almost deafening me. I could feel the acidity on my tongue. And that was enough.

At least I could feel something.

I ignored all of those flirty girls –sometimes guys— around me, so they never stayed for long, just what I wanted. But this man beside me, there's nothing that could make him stay away from me.

Joss, he's my friend. But really, I need some time alone. I huffed and glared at him who grinned. "Okay, I let you sit here but stay quite, and shove those girls away. Okay?"

"Consider it done!" he munched his ice cubes like he didn't feel anything in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes. How could he be my friend? I mentally asked myself.

Right then I remembered, we were friends because we're in the same school and major, and we're both Thai. That made us get along well.

I've been staying here in the US for years now, and I'll graduate soon. Maybe next year. Living a life here was not so bad, and I'm out of my parents' sight, so, a jackpot for me.

My thoughts were shattered when I felt Joss nudged his elbow to mine, made my head that previously held by my hand fell forward. Fortunately I could gain my senses before I could feel the cold table on my face. I hit Joss back head hard. "What was that supposed to mean, young guy?!"I nearly shouted at him, which didn't sound so loud remembering the loud music that played in the room.

"I called your name but you didn't even budge! What were you thinking?"

I ignored him, why should I tell him what's in my thoughts.

"Okay, so you don't want to answer me. Now I'll change the question. You're not interested in a relationship bro? I mean, look at those girls." Joss pointed out few girls that eyeing me, like I was a feast.

"You want me, to hook up with them? Are you out of your mind?"

"Why?" Joss concentrating on those girls again and then frowned. "I couldn't see anything wrong with them. Or...,"

He left his sentence hang there, so I raised my brow, "Or what?"

"Are you gay?"

I almost choked on my drink but I collected myself just in time. Then I shrugged at his question.

"What the fu-! Are you really gay?!"

I wanted to laugh at his confused face but I just couldn't. "Not really. I just don't label things." Again, I shrugged. I saw him nodded in understanding.

"But really Win, is there no one that caught your eyes? Not even a single soul?"

My thoughts drifted away to that guy. The guy who always wore hood covering his head. The one that always bumped into me but never apologize. The guy who never noticed me at all even though it's been three months since the first time I bumped into him.

"Ohoo~ I know that look. So you have someone huh?" Joss wiggled his eyebrows.

I pushed his head that leaned closer to me teasingly. "Stop it Joss, he's no one."

"So it's a he." Detective Joss started his mission. "And why is he a no one?"

"What about the curious Joss here? You're so annoying." I turned my chair back facing him.

But I knew him too well that he wouldn't just stop there. "Awh come on Metawin! Spill the tea!!" now he's whining, what the fuck.

That's it. "I'm going home. Pay for my bills." I gave him a mischievous smile then took some big steps out of the pub. I could hear him cursing my name from here. I couldn't help but giggled.


I shifted in my sleep, woke up to sweat covered all my body. The air con didn't help much. Those night mares really made me crazy.

I could remember clearly how he physically abused me. How he nearly killed me that day, just because he thought I was cheating on him. it was really unfortunate for me to get a highly possessive boyfriend.

His touches still lingered on my skin from the previous nightmare. I rushed to the bathroom from the urge to puke. I emptied my stomach which nearly had nothing. When did the last time I ate?

I felt a tear went out of my left eye. I looked at myself on the mirror after I flushed everything away.

Sometimes I felt like I'm living a hell. I really wanted to forget him, but I couldn't. No, it's not that I still love him. But the feeling of hatred towards him made me couldn't let go of the past, which torture me more day by day.

That's when I saw a blade from the corner of my eye. Should I?

My life here was just a torture. Maybe I could find a better life somewhere else.

I could feel the cold metal between my fingers. Just one push then my nerves will be split, brought me somewhere else other than this world.

My phone rang. I snapped myself up.

What were you thinking Win?!

I threw the metal away and hurriedly pick up my phone, "What Joss?" I said coldly, but in my heart I thanked him for saving my life.

"Wanna grab some food?"

My friend knew that I'm a lonely guy. This friend of mine is a kindhearted man that I treasure the most, but all I did was treating him harshly. I mentally noted to myself that I should treat him better later.

"I guess I'll skip. I just need to sleep. My head still aches." I massaged my temple.

"Kay!" then he hung up.

But then, I felt my stomach grumbled. I should've join him.

I sighed and took my money and phone, then head out to the nearest coffee shop. Perhaps some toast and a cup of coffee could fill up my hunger and after that I'll get more sleep.

I decided to finish my breakfast there, so I could directly sleep when I entered my room. The shop was not so crowded anyway.

After i finished my food, I held my unfinished coffee on my hand and slide the glass door when I looked up to see the man's face that blocked my way.


I crunched my forehead and ignored him, directly went away.

Four months ignored by that hooded man and the first thing that he said when he saw me was Tine?! Who the hell is this Tine?!


Written: 23.05.20

Published: 25.05.20

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