Chapter 25

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2 days later

Jordan's POV:
I have been discharged from hospital and Christen is pushing me out of hospital, Tobin is carrying out bags and my medication and Mal is walking next to me holding my hand.

Tobin has played her last game so she's going to be staying with me and Mal. Christen has her last game against Mal in 5 days then they are both done. After they have played their games we are going to go to California to see Christen's family then Colorado to se Mal's.

"Toby will you drive please?" Christen says as we get to her car.

"Of course babe" Tobin says putting the bags in the trunk.

"Babe can you get in the car?" Mal asks me

"I think so" I say

"Chris will you get in the back to help to slide her in please?" Mal asks Chris

"Yeah of course"Christen says slipping into the back of the car

"Come on babe" Mal says

I'm grateful that I spent all that time in the gym because I use my right hand to get myself in. I grab the roof of the car and pull myself out the wheelchair and balance on my left leg and pull myself into the car. Christen is say there waiting and she puts my seat belt on and sits next to me.

"I'm so happy everything went well" she says resting her head on my shoulder

"Don't worry about me Chris I will always be fine when I have you, tobs and Mal"

"Yeah hospitals just scare me" she says holding onto my arm

"I know. Come here" I say opening my arms and she puts her head on my shoulder and holds onto me tightly.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Tobin asks

"Yeah toby" Chris says sitting back up

"Let's get out of here" I say excitedly.

We get to Mal's apartment and we have to take the elevator because of the wheelchair. When we get to her to her apartment she lets us in and it's the most beautiful apartment ever. She has a massive window over looking the city and everything looks amazing.

"Babe your apartment is amazing" I say in awe

"Aw thank you Jordie" Mal says

"Let me show you around"Mal says leading the way as I push myself around.

"Tobs, Chris you guys can sleep in here"Mal says opening a door to a bedroom and Tobin and Chris walk in

"Thanks Mal"they both say

Mal walks past their room letting them settle in as she takes me to her room.

"Here Jordie is where we will sleep. Is it ok?" She asks nervously

"Babe I could be sleeping anywhere and it would be perfect if you were there" I say kissing her knuckles.

She bends down to kiss me and I pull her into my lap and kiss her passionately. She jumps off me quickly

"What happened? Are you ok baby?" I ask her worriedly

"I can't sit in your lap Jord because of your leg. I don't want to make it worse" she says not looking at me

"Ok then go and lie on your bed and I will come and lie with you so I can kiss you" I say wheeling myself over to the bed

I watch as she lies herself down and I pull myself out of the wheelchair and hop over to her bed and jump on top of her

"This is better" she says grabbing my neck and pulling me down to her.

We get interrupted by Tobin knocking on the door

"Hey guys do you want to go out and eat?" She shouts through the door

"Yeah we will be out in a sec" Mal shouts back

She kisses me one more time then helps me into the wheelchair and pushes me out the bedroom door into the living room where Christen is at in Tobin's lap.

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask all of them

"I think there is a nice Italian around here" Christen says

"Yes I love Italian" Tobin says excitedly

"Alright let's go"Mal says letting Tobin push me to the car as she locks up

This time Mal is driving and Tobin is in the back with me looking at the stuff she has drawn on my cast.

"You know jord, I can't believe still that I got that tiny space to draw and Sophia got that massive space" Tobin said pointing at the cast laughing.

"Sorry tobs but you did draw on my leg and Sophia didnt" I say laughing

"Yeah that's true" Tobin said as we pulled up to the Italian. Mal helped me out of the car while Tobin and christen got us a table inside.

After we had eaten we went back to mals place and we watched Netflix together for a bit. We all went to bed but I couldn't sleep so I wheeled myself over to mals massive window that overlooked the city. I was sat there alone for a few minutes until I heard quiet footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Christen walking towards me.

"Hey Chris what are you doing up?" I ask trying to pull a chair over for her

"I just couldn't sleep. Why are you up?" She asks me sitting down

"My leg is hurting and I couldn't sleep"I say looking back over the city

"Do you need your pain medication?" She asks worriedly

"I just took some about 5 minutes ago but thank you" I say

"No problem" she says as we fall into a comfortable silence

We are sat there watching the world go by for a few minutes and I hear Chris silently crying and I push myself over to her.

"Chris what's wrong?" I ask taking her hand

"Do you think I'm making my mom proud?" She says while sobbing

"Oh Chris, I know you are making her proud. How could anyone not be proud of you? Look how much you have achieved in the past year, anyone would be amazingly proud of that especially your mom because parents are always your biggest supporters" I say as she pulls me into a hug

We sit there and she just cries into my shirt and I just let her cry it out before I get her to sit in my lap as I wheel us to her room where Tobin is still sleeping. She gets into bed and I kiss her forehead goodnight and she hugs me one last time before I go and get into bed with mal. The pain medication makes me tired so I crash out in a matter of seconds.

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