Healing Hearts

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So, that is where the thief finds himself, wandering around the town square, aimlessly searching for something that doesn't exist.

And as his feet scuff along the cobblestones his mind drifts, trying to answer the question that keeps popping up in his mind; how was that woman able to reawaken these emotions he has not thought about in years?

Robin shakes his head as he decides he won't be able to come to a conclusion on his own. Instead he focuses on regaining control of his emotions as he cannot act clearly if his thoughts are tainted by them.

But even as he tries, he finds himself wanting to take the brunette up on her offer and tell her more about himself and in turn learn more about her. Robin sighs at the ridiculousness of it, because that's what it is; ridiculous. It's not like she's going to hang around once she's able to walk on her own two feet again. Nevertheless, his heart betrays him, tells him to open up to her more.

The whole reason I came here in the first place was to forget anything related to that conversation the thief tells himself before he is effectively broken out of his thoughts by a sudden shove. Robin stumbles forward slightly but once he regains his balance the outlaw whirls around with his fists up, ready to confront the man who had pushed him. Much to his surprise, he then comes face to face with one of the Queen's black knights.

The outlaw stands frozen for a moment, not yet sure as to how he should go about this. "And who do you think you are exactly to go walking into a member of the Queen's royal guard?" the knight booms, immediately drawing the attention of passers-by.

Deciding it would be best to avoid a full confrontation, Robin lowers his fists and bows his head, grateful that the hood of his cloak seems to be covering his true identity. "Pardon me my good sir, I'm afraid I'm not sure where my head is today."

He hears the man scoff. "I suggest you find it before you lose it permanently." he taunts.

The blue-eyed man doesn't reply and keeps his head low as he waits for the knight to walk away. Much to the outlaw's relief he does, and the odd person that had stopped to watch the scene unfold moves on. Robin then turns on his heel to walk back in the direction he was heading in before. "That was too close." he murmurs to himself, deciding that he'd quickly gather some extra supplies before heading back to camp.


Robin doesn't relax until the tents that make up his camp are in sight. But even then he glances over his shoulder, checking if he has been followed for what must be the thousandth time that day. When he decides he's in the clear yet again he continues into camp.

The thief doesn't go into the centre just yet, instead he goes over to where the supplies are kept and grabs the satchel that is slung over his shoulder. He empties the contents of the it into one of the storage chests they lug around with them. At least we'll be eating a proper meal tonight Robin muses before standing and turning to go relieve Wilma of Tuck's company.

But before he can take a step forward, Little John blocks his path. "I think we need to talk." the bear-like man says softly.

"Yes, I suppose we do," Robin replies as he looks the man in the eye, "but I'm not sure now is the best time."

The thief then moves to walk past him, but Little John grabs his arm. "How long are you going to keep avoiding me Rob?" he asks.

The outlaw sighs. "I don't know John," he answers honestly, "but right now, I need to focus my attention on the heist."

"Is that so?" John scoffs. "Then care to explain why a woman is sitting in the middle of camp? And in the company of a should-be-working-Tuck." the man gruffly continues.

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