"What have you done Regina?" he murmurs, voice just above a whisper.

She sobs even harder then, , "Robin, I-I didn't know I-"

"What have you done Regina?" he repeats in a yell, as he grabs her under her elbow and pulls her up. Regina suddenly finds herself face to face with Robin. Although, his grip isn't all that firm, she finds she cannot pull away even though she desperately attempts to. But, as she tries to yank her arm away, his hold tightens and she hisses at how strongly he clutches onto her arms. As she gazes into his eyes her heart breaks as she finds his usual soft blue eyes full with anger and hate. Anger and hate that she knows is directed at her, causing the tears to slip from her eyelids and her heart to start beating wildly in her chest

"Robin, you have to believe me, I-"

"How can I believe you? Especially seeing that you clearly tipped your guard off to the location of my whereabouts so they could come and kill me!" Robin growls, his face no longer recognisable to the woman in front of him and her heartbeat becomes erratic. Suddenly he backs away from her, his hands falling to his sides as he shakes his head in what now appears to be disbelief. "I trusted you Regina!" Robin outcries before turning his back to her.

Regina's tears continue to flow down her cheeks as she sees the shoulders of the man before her shake. She wants nothing more than to go over there and comfort him, but still finds herself unable to move or even speak as her heart continues its abnormal pace.

After attempting to gain movement in her legs yet again, Regina notices that Robin has stopped shaking and that he's managed to find a bow, which he now holds in his right hand. "How could you Regina?" he questions, voice thick with emotion, "After I thought..." He trails off not finishing the comment. Instead the archer turns back to face her. "Yet my thoughts no longer matter." he says abruptly and an unpleasant chill runs down her spine at the coldness in his voice. "You have to pay Regina!" Robin bellows, "You have to pay for all the lives you've took!"

Regina watches in horror as he brings the bow up, nocking an arrow and aiming it directly at her heart. "Robin please!" she pleads, "I never told them anything I swear! How could I when I didn't know of its whereabouts?" She continues to gaze into his eyes that she now no longer recognises, her heart beating so loudly in her chest that she swears it will rip itself out. Tears continue to pool in her eyes before they fall as she tries to appeal to him, "I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Too late." Robin sneers as he starts to draw the string back. "I'll be doing the world a favour by killing you."

The tears now to fall in rapid succession down her cheeks. "Please Robin," she begs, "I love you."

Robin's only response is to tighten his grip on the bow before murmuring, "Who could ever love an Evil Queen?"

Her heart shatters into a thousand pieces as the arrow flies toward her. Time slows, their gazes holding for the last time as broken and pleading brown locks with fire-filled blue, his words ring in her ears mixing with the voice of her mother as she claims "Love is weakness." The harsh reality that her mother was right rains down on her as the arrow finds its mark, piercing her chest along with her already shattered heart.


Regina jolts awake, a hand flying to her chest to subconsciously check for the presence of an arrow lodged there. Her hearts calms considerably when all she can feel is her clothes. She manages to sit up enabling her to inhale deep breaths. It was only a dream Regina, she tells herself, it wasn't real. Once her breathing and heart rate is almost back to normal, she lies back down.

An Impromptu RescueWhere stories live. Discover now