Wyatt being a jealous lil bean (again) pt2

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rip avicii the legend TT, it really makes me wanna cry

Eliza's POV:

"So..." I began.

"So" He said at the same time.

I was not ready for this conversation. What was I supposed to say? Was he supposed to start the conversation? Do I get straight to the point? Or do I say something funny or stupid first.

"You wanted to talk?" He asked. The tension between us lingered painfully in the air and was killing me.

"Whyareyouignoringme" I said as quickly as I could.

"What?" He asked.

After gathering my courage, I inhaled a bit and repeated myself.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I bit my lip, looking down. Since I was shorter than him, he had to look down at me. I could feel his gaze on me and felt really uncomfortable.

"I- I don't like your little relationship with Zed" He finally said, staring at me more.

"What?" I asked, finally looking up. Little relationship? What does he mean.

"I don't want you to be 'friends' with Zed anymore" He said, air qouting the word friends.

"WHAT!?" I repeated even louder. Zed and I have been friends since kindergarten! We're practically siblings.

"WHY?" I shouted when he kept quiet.

"I don't trust hi-" He said but I interrupted him.

"WHAT?! You don't trust him? Or do you not trust me? Cuz if you ask me, I think it's the second one" I shouted. I was on the verge of tears and my blood was boiling.

"I just think th-" He tried saying but I interrupted him once again.

"You know what I think? I think trust is an important part of being in a relationship. You, however, clearly don't trust me" My arms were flailing all over the place now and hot tears trickled down my face like rivulets. (my p3 teacher would be proud)

"Will you let me FINI-" He had started to raise his voice.

"NO, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH" I shouted. Only I can have say in who I am friends with.

"I hAppen to be your boyfriend" He said, stressing on the word happen. (Like lavander from hp and the hbp)


"YOU KNOW WHAT?" He shouted back.

"WHAT." I did not like where this was going.


"FINE" I don't know why I said that.

"FINE" And with that, he stormed off.

When he was out of sight, I sat down on one of the benches and started crying, my head between my hands.

Wyatt's POV:

"WELL YOU'VE NOT BEEN A VERY GOOD ONE LATELY" Eliza shouted at me. Her words hurt me but I had to admit, I wasn't treating her right lately. However I was still really mad.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?" I said, raising my voice.

"WHAT?" She asked.

"LET'S BREAK UP" I said suddenly. My own words took me by surprise. I didn't know why I even said that. I was a complete mess and couldn't think straight.

"FINE" Her voice brought me back to earth.

"FINE" I shouted back. She had started crying a long time ago but now, her eyes were really red and puffy. Her nose was runny and tears were just swimming down her face.

It hurt me to see her like that and I was hating myself so so much. I made her feel that way and that just made me feel worse. I wanted to just reach out to her, pull her into a hug. Apologise, shower her in kisses and tell her everything was going to be all right. But I couldn't. As I wasn't so sure myself.

I felt like crap and wished I had a time travel machine. So I could go back in time, slap my past self and make sure non of this ever happened. Too bad it was impossible.

I am such an idiot. The pain in her eyes when she was shouting at me, it was so visible. I regretted everything.

With a heavy heart, I turned around and stormed off. When I was around the corner, I slumped against the wall and broke down.

I messed up big time.. (cue big time rush's iconic oh oh o-oh oh sound)


also my poor childs :((

dont kill me, uh come back next saturday/sunday. or maybe friday night to see what happens next. I may just leave them be broken up cuz why not :) ALSO I AM NOT READY FOR SCHOOL AGAIN HELP.. i need to cut my nails or I'll get booked aww

Published: 14th June

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