dilemma pt 3

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Zed's POV:

Earlier in school, I asked Addi if she could go on a date tonight. She agreed happily. Now it's 6.50 pm. I'm supposed to meet her at the Zombie Light Garden soon. I'd better hurry.

When I reach the entrance, I see she's already there. 

"Hello there my fair lady." I say, bowing to her.

"Hi Zed" She says giggling.

"Shall we?" I ask, holding my hand out for her.

"We shall" She says, taking it.

_Time skip to halfway through the date_

Addi and I were having a contest to see who could catch more grapes in our mouth. I won, obviously. She was being really salty about it so after we had a good laugh about it, things got awkward. I guess now was the time to ask her about the trip.

"So.. Um Addison. Today, in school, Cecilia told me about your trip with the wolves."

"She did? How- Ohh it doesn't matter. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about it sooner. I was just afraid of what you'd say." She said as she hugged me and buried her face in my chest.

I stroked her hair as I leaned my head on top of hers. That's when I realised she had started crying. "It's okay Addi. It's okay. shh" I kept comforting her till she stopped.

"Look at me" I said gently. "You okay?"

She nodded as I pecked her lips.

"I just. I really don't know what to do. I really want to go find out why I'm the only known werewolf in my family. How did I end up as the great alpha? Of all people. I also know the wolves are counting on me to find out these secrets about the pack." She said looking down.

"But..?" I asked.

"But.. The prophecy says it has to be now. I can't go any other time. If I do agree to lead the pack though, it means I'll have to drop out of school. I won't be able to spend time with my friends and you.. I'll miss prom and graduation. I really don't want to miss my last dance before everyone splits up. What do I do?" She says sadly.

"Addison. I know you. You want to know why you're a werewolf don't you" I ask. When she nods I continue. "And you'll be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want that more than anything right?" She nods again. "Well. I think that answers your question."

"Yeah but I don't want to miss prom either."

"Well then.." I say..

yay its super lengthy. uh yah

Published: 22nd May 2020

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