Zeddison Lazy Days

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quick question: when the male wolves and zombies grow beards, will they be green/ white?

Addison's POV:

I slowly stir from my sleep as the light of dawn seeped into my room. Hummingbirds were chirping sweetly outside the window which was mostly covered by a simple translucent white silk curtain. With heavy eyes, I try to stretch but realise something is holding me back. I open my eyes properly to see Zed's arms wrapped tightly around me resting on the small of my back. Our legs were in a jumbled up mess.

He has this stupidly beautiful smile spread across his face as he quietly snored in his sleeps. Jeez even his bed hair is sexy. I ran my hand through his soft jade green hair. It had become rather long now but I really liked how puffy it was. He had also started growing a beard and honestly, saying he was hot would be an understatement. (HAVE YALL SEEN MILO WITH A STUBBLE HES SO HOT KJFRNEJKEIK)

I hadn't realised I was staring till he slowly woke up from his sleep with a playful smirk spread across his face. "You know, it's rude to stare at someone. And if they're sleeping, that's just creepy" He said in a husky voice. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

As I tried to get out of bed, Zed just tightened his grip around me.

"Let me goo" I said tiredly. I wasn't a morning person but I had a lot of work to do and really needed to start.

"No." Zed said stubbornly.

"Mmm I'm serious" I whined trying to get out of his grip. "I have work to do"

"No." He said stubbornly again as he wrapped his leg around me. We were in such a comfortable position and as much as I wanted to stay like this forever, I still had to work. His face was getting closer too mine. Like he was leaning in for a kiss.

HOWEVER, since he didn't let me get out of bed, why should I give him a kiss? Hmph. I used my index and middle fingers to push his face away. 

"No kisses till you let me go" I said annoyingly.

"Aww just 1 kiss?" He pouted.

"No." I said mocking his stuborness. Is that even a word? Oh what the heck, I just made it one.I closed my eyes and tried to fold my arms while lying down. However, he took advantage of this and quickly pecked my lips which completely took me by surprise. 

Just as I was about to playfully hit him, he buried his face in the crook of my neck, his short stubble tickling me. While Zed was still hugging onto me, I tried my best to get out but to no avail. 

"You're not going anywhere, little lady" He said lazily. When I put some distance between us, I noticed his eyes were closed and there was an innocent grin spread across his face. He was probably still half asleep but somehow still really strong and completely unhinged by my pathetic squirms. What? I mean, I did just wake up. I don't have any energy in me till I wash my face or eat anything. 

"Come on Zed!" I tried again. "I need to start clearing all my piles of unpaid taxes and that stuff"

Oh yeah I forgot to mention. Zed and I are now working. Zed is a world renown football player and I work in the government's office. He is my fiance and we were supposed to get married this year but thanks to the lockdown, we had to postpone it. Now, since no one is really making sure I do my work, I keep procrastinating and have this huge stack of papers just sitting on my table. (same TT)

I had this random burst of energy at 3 in the morning telling me to start going through all the papers today (and get my life together). However, a certain SOMEONE wasn't letting me do so.

"Zeeed! I really have to start working" I complained again. He had loosened his grip on me so I slowly started turning around to get out of bed. He quickly realised though, and held me back again. Now my back was facing him.

"You've been procrastinating for 2 months of quarantine already. I'm sure another day won't hurt" He mumbled into my hair. 

As much as I hated to admit it, he did have a point. There was still like an entire month of quarantine left. My shirt had come up a little from the back. Zed's warm stomach against my back felt so calming and relaxing. We were in such a comfortable position. The birds had flown away outside and it was really peaceful. Would be a shame to let such a perfect moment go to waste. 

But I still had a HUGE stack of papers to go through. It was 2 months worth of work and there was only have a month of quarantine left. If I keep procrastinating I'll have to rush through all of it and it will all be trash.

As I was contemplating whether or not I should just give in and sleep, a super adorable "please" from Zed helped me make up my mind.

"Fine" I said softly before plopping my head back onto the pillow and falling into a deep sleep.

wow this sucks. on a whole new level.

Holy guacamole, so i started writing this chapter on saturday. it's arnd 11pm of tuesday night.. i really put the 'pro' in procrastination :D

Published: 9th June 2020

ZOMBIES one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang