chapter 3

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I proudly stand in front of the gigantic gates of Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves. “Chi, we’re finally here, can you believe it? After those three long years of training, here we are. Finally ready to officially become ninja.”

*That’s right Shiro-Chan, now we can settle down and not have to worry about getting ambushed in the middle of the night.*

‘Yeah,’ I thought joyfully as I walk towards the open gate. “Hello?” I called stopping right at the edge of the hidden leaf gate. I looked at the village and saw beautiful tall buildings, and near the gate a simple “building” that had two men sleeping under its roof.

One man had brown hair that was parted to over his right eye: he also had a leaf head band wrapped around his head like a bandana. The man had something that looked like a mask pulled over just his chin and the rest of his face was visible, plus he wore a chunin vest over a navy blue shirt.

The other man had spikey black hair, and a hidden leaf headband wrapped normally around his forehead that was covered up slightly by his long parted bangs. The man also had a white bandage going over his nose and cheeks. Along with what I think it a black bandage on his chin but I’m not 100% sure.

“Excuse me!” I shouted trying to wake up the two men. I walk slightly into the village, going over to the desk and poking the man with the bandage on his nose in the cheek, trying to awaken him. “Sir! Please wake up; I need to see the Hokage!”

“Mehmehanee…” the man muttered incoherent nonsense

“Sir… Sir! SIR!!” I shout causing the man to fall out of his seat out of shock.

“Huh?” he asked looking up at in confusion, “Who are you, and why are you in the village?”

I give the man an annoyed look, “My name is Shiro Yuuki, and I’ve come to join this village’s ninja force.”

“You sure?” the man asked, “You look pretty fragile there. The ninja world isn’t just some playground for love struck girls.”

“Do I LOOK like a love struck girl?” I asked irritation radiating from my voice.

When the man got a good look at me, he saw dirt and grime covering my face and bare arms. And that my clothes were stained with mud and my hair had both dirt and dried blood clumped in it. But the man found it strange that I had a peculiar yet perfectly clean bear clutched in my small arms.

“Heheheh… NO you don’t. You look more like a mass murderer.” The man said jokingly.

“Yeah.” I said boardly, “You know mister, I wanna be nice right now, but I’m tired and I just want a place to stay. I’ve been traveling for the past three years and my last bath was two weeks ago, and I don’t think I smell like a bed of daisy’s. So can you PLEASE let me see the Hokage? I really want to sit down.”

The man looks at me for a moment before jumping over the desk and throwing me over his shoulder.

“AHH!!” I shriek, holding chi in a firm hold so I didn’t lose him. “Are you taking me to the Hokage?” I asked the man, whose name is still a mystery to me.

“Yeah, and you were right, you don’t smell like a bed of roses.”

“Hey I said Daisies.”


As the man takes me towards the Hokage’s office, villagers gave us odd looks. But I can’t say I blame them. I mean if a chunin had a dirt covered girl thrown over his shoulder acting like a sack of potatoes, I’d give them strange looks to.

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