Chapter 6 - "You're Not Alone"

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New life, New beginnings 6

Standing in front of all my new classmates was a frightening feeling. Everyone’s eyes bore into me and I tightened my grip on chi. The silence was heavy until a girl with long pink hair spoke up, “Hey is that your real hair color?” the girl had a slight know-it-all tone to her voice which made me want to shrink back, but I held my ground.

“Yes” I said as our contrasting colored eyes clashed. As I continued to stand in front of the class I reached and brushed strand of hair that was hanging around the bridge of my nose, but it just fell back into place. Glaring at the strand I ask in an annoyed voice, “Does anyone have any questions?”

“Yeah” an unknown person said from the back of the room, “Why the hell do you carry round a stuffed toy? It’s so stupid looking!”

“What?” I asked sharply, quirking my head to the side roughly as my glass like eyes narrowed. Slowly I felt control over my body go away as I asked, “You think Chi… Is stupid looking?” I started to giggle insanely. Holding a hand over my mouth a wild grin spread over my pale face. “I guess you haven’t seen your own face in a while! Why don’t you stand up so I can show you how stupid you look in the reflection off my kunai! Or better yet a pool of your blood!”

“Shiro!” Chi shouted from my arms drawing my attention to him

“Yes Chi?” I asked in a deathly still voice, my eyes half lidded and my fingers constantly twitching towards kunai and throwing stars.

“Stop it.” Chi said sternly catching me totally off guard. My eyes widened slightly as I saw one less student standing in front of me.

Tilting my head in confusion I ask, “Where is that one person? There’s one less person in the classroom…”

“Shiro, you scared the poor boy off.”

“What?!” I asked my stuffed friend, “How’d I do that?”

“Baka!” Chi slammed his furry paw into my flat chest, “You lost control and practically threatened to kill the kid.”

“I did? Hmmm… I should apologize!”

“Shiro, please don’t. You’ll give the boy a heart attack.”

“Fine…” I pouted. Looking up at my classmates I was a look of shock and what you could call fear in their assorted eyes. Just standing there I could practically hear their thoughts mash through my brain,










Before anything could happen, the classroom doors sprung open. “NARUTO!” Iruka sensei roared in anger at the short blonde who was tied up with ropes, “I can’t believe you! Tomorrow all your classmates will pass the final from the ninja academy, but the last two times this day came around, you flunked every course you’d taken in the secret arts. So you chose now for your stupid tricks? You moron!”

Turning quickly I look at Iruka and the boy I’d guess to be Naruto, “Uh sensei?” I said quietly, feeling very threatened by the angered man

Iruka was about to answer me but got caught up by Naruto who huffed setting the brunette off, “That’s it! Today in class we will be reviewing the art of transformation.” The class broke into an uproar of protest but sensei continued, “All you have to do is conjure a form that looks like me!”

Everyone in class lined up and many sent nasty comments towards Naruto and for some reason that didn’t sit well with me. I wasn’t exactly sure why it bothered me so much but I had a horrible urge to hurt them, kind of like the feeling I get when people insult me Chi. Except this time I actually knew what was going on with me.

I wanted to protect and stand up for the blonde haired boy. Something in the back of my head said that I needed to make sure he was safe- that he was happy. ‘Naruto…’ I though silently to myself, ‘Somehow that name seems familiar to me, but it’s just out of my reach…’

“Chi!” I shouted happily in my dark room. Mother was out at the bar and my favorite Tv show was starting, “Naruto is on!”

“Yes yes, I know Shiro” Chi smiled as he sat in his human form, my sheet tied around his waist. Plopped down in front of my small box tv I sat on chi’s lap and saw that the first episode of Naruto was rerunning. Looking at the tv screen I felt tears of sadness prick my colorless eyes, “Shiro?” Chi asked looking down at my face as he held me close, “What’s wrong”

“It’s nothing…” I wiped my eyes with my rough hands, “It’s just that Naruto has had such a hard life and he has no one… it just hurts to see that happen to someone, fictional or not…”

Smiling sadly chi ruffled my choppy white hair, “Young one you’re wiser than your years.”

“Thanks Chi.” I looked down at my lap solemnly, “You know… if I could meet Naruto in person I think the first thing I’d do is give him a hug. Give him a hug and say ‘It’s okay now, you’re no longer alone Naruto, I’m with you.’

Standing at the back of the line for the transformation practice I look forwards towards the orange clad ninja, a small smile on my face.

‘It’s true… You’re no longer alone… No longer rejected… Naruto Uzumaki, I’ll stay by your side as long as you’d wish.’

Puppet: Ellos my dear puppeteers, I’d so like you all to know that this story is now officially in the Naruto Watty awards 2013 and it would mean so much to me if you voted for it when the time for voting comes, this story will be in the Gaara categorie.

 ALSO I’d like you all to know that I have a new Naruto story called ‘Wings Tainted White’ I’d love if you checked it out and left a comment on what you thought about it. That story is also in the watty awards and though I don’t expect to really win anything with my stories I’d just be happy if new people decided that they liked my story.

Now I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and I’m sorry there was such a long wait so if there is any questions please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them, but I don’t want to spoil anything serious ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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