Chapter- 5 "The nightmares beginn"

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New life new beginnings “The nightmares Begin”

Shiro tossed and turned in her large bed, getting her thin covers to tangle her legs. A sheen of sweat was evident on her brow. “No mommy, please!” Shiro whimpered clawing at her covers, “Please stop!” she cried loudly.

“Shiro?” chi asked as he ran into the sleeping girl’s room after hearing her shout. Shiro’s eyes were clamped shut as she tossed he head back and forth, knotting her cloud colored hair. “Shiro,” Chi called shaking the 13 year olds shoulder, “Wake up!” the panicking man shouted

“Chi…”Shiro whimpered reaching out to her friend. “I’m scared…” Chi looked at Shiro thinking she was awake but the girl was still unconscious and was having a nightmare. “Chi mommy hurt me again…”

Chi couldn’t take hearing those words again. The words he heard back in their old world, the world with that retched woman. Chi ran out of the dark room and into the kitchen, where he filled a large bowl/bucket with water. Chi then skillfully speed walked back to Shiro and dumped the frigid water on the terrified girl.

*Shiro’s P.O.V.*

She stood over me, her nails freshly manicured and a sharp knife that was coated with blood in her hand.

My mother, the woman who brought me to this world was now cutting my pale skin.

“Mommy, please it hurts.” I whimpered, my own nails digging into the wooden floor I lay on.

“Shut up you stupid bitch! You deserve this pain! You ruined my life, he left because of you. Because of you we are stuck in this rundown apartment and have NO MONEY!!”

I stared at my mother with fearful eyes. She lifted her bloodstained hand, knife gripped tightly and was about to slit my throat. Closer the knife came; it came closer to ending my life. But before the blade could pierce my skin the dark room disappeared and all the blood that covered my body vanished.

“Chi?” I whimpered, cold water dripping from my long white hair.

Chi gave me a relieved smile, happy to see me awake. “Thank Kami-Sama!” Chi shouted pulling my wet form into a tight hug. “You had me so worries. What made you so scared?” I was silent. The image of platinum blonde hair and pink painted nails dripping with blood flashed in my mind. I grabbed my arms as a shiver of fear ran down my spine. “What’s wrong?” Chi asked, bringing me into the bathroom giving me a fluffy white towel to dry myself.

“I had… a nightmare… I was in a dark room. And a woman… my mother? She stood above me, a kitchen knife in her hands. She tried to kill me… but you woke me up before she could.”

Chi’s eyes widen and gave me a warm hug. “It’s okay Shiro, it was only a nightmare.”

“Was it?” I asked, tears pricking my eyes, “That didn’t seem like it was just a nightmare. It was like a memory I had forgotten… The dream seemed too real to just be my imagination.”

Chi remained silent and dried off my hair, “Shiro, just forget about this, it was a bad dream. Nothing more, nothing less.”

I lowered my gaze to the floor and dried my tears. For some reason I didn’t believe chi. I didn’t think that dream was just my imagination running haywire… “Hey chi, what time do we have to  at the academy?” I asked, pulling the towel off my head looking over at my ‘older brother.’

Chi smiled happily, “We have to be there at seven, so we have a great amount of time before we have to leave. So how about we get washed up and grab something to eat, then after the academy we can go shopping.”

New Life, New Beginnings (A Naruto FanFic) [on hold]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz