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I sat up so fast my vision blurred. I was covered in sweat and a drop of saliva rolled down my chin. My sheets were tangled around me, making it difficult to get out of bed. I pulled back my blinds and soft morning light flooded into my room. I checked my clock. It read 5:30. I hopped in the shower, rinsing off the sweat and drool from my rough night. The dream did not wash out of my head that easily though. It was such a terrible thing that happened to that girl. It saddened me, especially when I compared it to some unfortunate events that had been happening at my school. I have never been bullied, or the bully. I'm just that girl on the sidelines. I felt guilty that I had never made a point to stand up for girls like Abby but I also felt a new power. If Abby just had one friend or someone who cared about her, my dream would have turned out differently. I thought about this as I got ready for school. At 7:20 I grabbed my backpack and ran for the bus.

Both parents called after me, "Love you, Andy!"

"Love you too!" I yelled behind me.

I waved to my friends as I got on the bus. I could have squeezed into the seat next to them, but I decided to sit next to Evelyn, a girl who I had watched get bullied several times. I had never seen anyone comfort her, or even talk to her for a very long time.

"Hey, is it okay if I sit here?" I asked. Evelyn nodded. Her long, feathery earrings bounced with her every move. "I really like your earrings, where did you get them?"

"I actually made them," she replied.

"Wow, that's really cool!" I was very impressed with the creativity of the jewelry.

Evelyn shrugged. "I can make you some if you want."

"Do you think you can come over to my house this afternoon and teach me?"


"Thank you, you're awesome!"

I talked to her the whole bus ride, and I think I saw a small smile spread across her face a few times. I had never felt so accomplished and proud over such a small act of kindness. Luckily, I have a long life ahead of me to fill others with love and belonging.


If anyone was confused, Andy had a dream that her name was Abby and she had a horrible life, which she ended by killing herself. 

Sorry if it was depressing but I hope it was somewhat inspirational.  Thank you!!

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