Chapter Eight: Salazar...

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It was one week until Christmas break. And Lyra hadn't gotten a letter from her parents, asking if she wanted to come home. Instead, she got a letter telling her to "Vous n'avez pas besoin de revenir. Reste à l'école." In other words: "You don't need to come back home. Stay at school." And Lyra got the letter at Breakfast.

Lyra sat straight up on her bed, panting. She just had a nightmare. A rather real nightmare. A nightmare where Draco, Blaise, and Nat had all died. Right in front of her eyes.

Quietly, she slipped out of her covers and tip-toed towards Nat's bed. She peeked inside the closed curtains and quietly sighed in relief.

Her best friend was sleeping peacefully.

"Merlin," she breathed, remembering the scare she had about the fact that Draco and Blaise had died.

Lyra quickly padded out of her dorm room, her heart pounding in her ears. She quietly ran past the common room and up to the boys' dorms, not stopping to breathe until she reached a door that read: Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini.

She reached for the doorknob and swung the door open, coming face to face with three duvets with closed curtains.

She started with the bed on the far left. She opened the curtains. Theo was safe and okay.

The middle bed. "Salazar, you're okay," Lyra sighed. She brushed Draco's hair out of his face and closed the curtains.

She crept to the last bed slowly opening the curtains. She was greeted by an empty bed. "Shit. Shit shit shit," She whispered. Lyra felt tears filling her eyes as she desperately tried to blink them away.

Her head was spinning. Okay. Calm down, Lyra. He isn't in his bed, he isn't in the common room because you were just there. Where can he be? Lyra collapsed on Blaise's bed, her head in her hands, her body shaking as she tried her best not to cry.

And for some reason, she heard her mother's voice in her head. Good pureblood girls don't cry, Lyrana Abella Esmee Faye De Garnein von Montgelas Bourbon-Penthièvre Vaillancourt. Normal girls cry. You are the most pure of all purebloods and no pureblood girl cries. She saw her mother's harsh stare, glaring at her with her dull grey eyes. And immediately, Lyra's eyes dried. But she was still worried.

"Please be safe..." she muttered. And she felt a tear slip out of her eye. Wait. Why do I care though? I've always hated him. Do I still not hate him? Has something changed? What's wrong with me? Oh Merlin. Bloody hell. What's wrong with me? When have I started getting emotions? Have I-

"Lyra?" a voice cut off her mental rant.

Lyra whipped around and came face to face with Blaise Zabini with his wand lit in front of his face. To clarify, it was a shirtless Blaise Zabini. Fuck. No one told me he had abs. Who has abs without even working out?

"Lyra?" he asked again, his voice was a little worried this time.

Lyra pulled her glance up to his eyes and then suddenly hit him.

"Ow!" he whisper-yelled, glaring at her. "What was that for?!"

Lyra choked back her tears-why was she crying anyways? "Y-you scared me, you-you idiot!" she hissed, her voice breaking in the middle.

Blaise stood up straighter. "Scared you?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Yes!" Lyra cried, sitting back down on the bed. "You scared me so bad," she mumbled, her voice becoming higher as she choked back her sobs.

Blaise put down his wand and sat down on his bed next to you. "I'm sorry," he muttered under his breath, running his hand through her hair.

There was a moment of silence before Lyra broke it. "D-do you know how scared I was? When I woke up from that damn nightmare that you, Nat, and Draco were dead, and you were gone? It nearly gave me a heart attack!" Lyra cried, burying her head into her hands again, desperately trying to get rid of her tears.

Blaise pried her hands off of her face and tilted her chin up so that she faced him. "Lyra. Calm down. I'm here," He patted her cheek and let go of her, moving so that he stood. "See? Perfectly fine," he turned around.

Lyra just made a strangled sound as she fell back onto his bed, masking her face on his pillow. "Bu' I wa' so scar'd. I though' you died!" she wailed.

Blaise sighed as she sat back down. He hugged her briefly before stroking her hair. Godric. I'm being really obvious, aren't I? Vaillancourts are never healthy. The level I'm attached to this woman... he thought.

Suddenly, Lyra's breathing slowed, her strangled breaths becoming more and more normal and her body stopped trembling.

"She's asleep," Blaise murmured. He sighed and he pulled the covers over her body. He brushed her hair out of her face and pressed a light kiss on her forehead. She looked truly angelic. He even ignored the fact that Lyra was only wearing a black bra and silver shorts. God, he was mad for the woman.

-Dominique M.

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