Chapter One

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"Miss Lyra, we are departing in 10 minutes," Mr Edwards-the steward of the Vaillancourt Estate said to her.

"Oui, Monsieur Edwards!" Lyra called back.

It was her 5th year at Hogwarts and she was to be leaving in 10 minutes. And Lyra hadn't even changed.

"Maman is going to kill me," she muttered to herself as she rushed over to her walk-in closet as she searched for an outfit.

"Parfait!" she exclaimed as she took out a green fitted tank top with spaghetti straps, fitted black jeans, forest green ankle boots with three inch heels, dark sunglasses, an expensive leather jacket, a Vaillancourt family ring on her ring finger, her sapphire necklace, and, finally, black diamond stud earrings.

She dashed to her nightstand, snatching her wand from the drawer and her cat from her bed.

"Reducio," she murmured. Her trunk immediately turned pocket sized. Well... her first trunk. The other trunk was still the same size. But no matter, the house elves would take care of that!

"Miss Lyra! We are leaving!" Mr Edwards said.

Lyra jumped up and shoved her owl-Blair-into her cage and dashed out of her room. She slid down the tapestry-something she did when no one was around to tell her that "Purebloods don't do that, Lyra!"

"Je suis prêt, monsieur Edwards!" Lyra called. She sashed into the parlour where the steward was waiting, tying her waist-length curls into a low bun.

"J'apporterai ton autre sac. Se rendre à la gare, Mademoiselle Lyra," Mr Edwards told her.

Lyra nodded and stepped into the green flames of the fireplace.

"Kings Cross Station!" she articulated. And in a second, she had landed-albeit more gracefully than last time- onto the cold floor of the station. Lyra dusted herself off and calmly walked through the barrier to platform 9 ¾.

She cleared her throat, attracting several stares, before enlarging her trunk and strutted over to where the Malfoys, Zabini's, Notts, Greengrass's, and Calderons were.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Malfoy, Mrs Zabini, Mr and Mrs Nott, Mr and Mrs Greengrass, and Mr and Mrs Calderon," Lyra said in her poshest accent, trying to get rid of all of her French accent. The families turned towards her, looking at her outfit.

"Miss Vaillancourt," Lucius Malfoy greeted.

"Miss Lyra," Mr Nott said.

"Lyra," Mrs Zabini nodded at her. Lyra secretly bristled at the casual greeting from the beautiful woman.

"Hola Lyra querida," Mrs Calderon greeted her.

"Hola señora calderon," Lyra threw in a slight bow to Mr Calderon. She almost smirked when she saw Draco fake a gag.

"Miss Lyra Vaillancourt," Mr Greengrass pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

"Good afternoon, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Daphne, Astoria, and Natasha," Lyra greeted. She sent a wink towards Natasha.

Short "Hello!"s rang out as Lyra moved to give her trunk and cage to her steward.

She finally faced the adults one last time.

"I'm so sorry about my lack of proper clothing. We had to do last-minute shopping and I couldn't find anything worth wearing but this. I promise you that I will be in better... fashion when we meet again," Lyra bowed and turned on her heel, sashaying over to the train.

"Natasha!" she called over her shoulder.

"Coming!" Natasha kissed both her parents cheeks and set off towards Lyra.

Je suis prêt, monsieur Edwards: I'm ready, Mr Edwards!

J'apporterai ton autre sac. Se rendre à la gare, Mademoiselle Lyra: I'll bring your other bag. Go to the station, Miss Lyra

Hola Lyra querida:  Hello Lyra dear

Hola señora Calderon: Hello Mrs Calderon

Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm sorry if the translations are wrong or a little off. I used my limited knowledge on Spanish and French. Hope you have a great day!

-Dominique M

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