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 This can’t be it. The prince of the Southern Isles thought as he stood in front of the little cabin in the woods. He had heard many stories about the things that took place behind that door, and not one of them was peaceful. He knew that what he was about to do could have major consequences, but his vengeance was too strong to ignore. The night was quiet and the soft breeze shook the trees, keeping him calm before he knocked on that door. He wanted- no… He needed to do this.

    He took a deep breath and knocked on the cold wood. At first he heard nothing from the inside, but then the door creaked open just enough for someone to peek out.

    “Young man.” a woman’s voice said sternly as the door opened wider. A middle aged woman stood before him, her amber eyes bore into him as if they were looking into his soul and suddenly he was afraid of what would happen next.

    “I hope you have a good reason for trespassing.” she scowled. “The shop is closed for tonight. I’m afraid if you want to purchase anything, it will have to wait until sunrise.” Regaining his composure he used his natural charm to reply to the woman.

“I don’t want to buy anything.”

“Then it will have to wait until tomorrow.” she said about to close the door. He stopped it with his foot.

“I came here looking for someone. Someone who possesses a great power. Can you help me?” She eyed him for a moment before opening the door to let him inside the cabin. It was dark in there, only lit by a single candle; he could barely see anything.

“Come.” she simply said before taking the candle and walking farther into the cabin. Suddenly she stopped and turned to face the young prince.

“It’s not everyday I get a visit from royalty.” She said studying him. “But when it does happen, it is a day to remember. What is it that I can help you with?”

“Wait, you’re the-?”

“The Great Sorcerer? What were you expecting? An old man with a beard and pointy hat?” she snorted. “Though I don’t go by that name anymore, I’ll still help you.”

“I seek power and vengeance-”

“Done! Who would you like me to curse?” she replied.

“It is not that easy. I just need to-”

“Take over a kingdom?” she finished. “You should know the last time I helped someone like that, it didn’t end too well for him.”

“How on Earth did you know that?” he asked.

“Trust me young prince, I know more about you than you think.” She spoke, sending shivers down Hans’ spine. “Now, follow me.” She opened a door and led him into a large, dark room. In the centre of it was a large, black cauldron and a small table filled with vials on top.

“What do you have in mind my prince?” She asked.

“I need allies. That is the one thing I lost in my last battle. Then I shall take the kingdom as my own.” Hans revealed.

“I see.” She answered. “But before we proceed, I must ask for a payment.”

“What kind of payment?” he questioned.

“Well, great powers come with a great cost.” she hinted. “For example this ring of his kingdom was given to me in exchange for power.”

    Cautiously Hans took off the silver ring he wore that bore the crest of his home and held it out to the woman. She took it and rolled it around in her fingertips, examining the fine metal.

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